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What did your 7-10 month old DC eat yesterday?

61 replies

Vegasgirl · 17/06/2011 10:22

I am struggling with Stage 2 and producing 3 meals per day I suspect I'm over complicating things and getting myself in a right muddle. I have just spent the last hour trying to cook an Annabel Karmel cod recipe which was disgusting and ended up in the bin and not for the first time.

I don't know why I thought I would suddenly be able to cook just because its baby food. I am hoping seeing others daily menu will help me see how I should go forward. BLW,puree fans and jars I'm interested in them all. Thanks!

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RitaMorgan · 29/06/2011 08:33

What's wrong with toast for lunch? Toast, cheese and fruit seems very ordinary to me.

Dry weetabix isn't my idea of a good time, but ds loves dry rice crispies.

Thefoxsbrush · 29/06/2011 08:49

I often hAve toast for lunch and the kids love spaghetti on toast. Nothing wrong with it!

TheSecondComing · 29/06/2011 09:04

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RitaMorgan · 29/06/2011 09:09

My ds isn't strictly BLW as I do/have spooned some stuff into him, but generally he has what I have. I usually toast or a sandwich for lunch so he does too. He manages to feed himself loads though, and has done since 5 months - some babies have bigger appetites than others.

TheSecondComing · 29/06/2011 09:15

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RitaMorgan · 29/06/2011 09:20

My sister's favourite food as a child was buttered weetabix Grin Children like odd things.

Paschaelina · 29/06/2011 11:34

I dont give dry weetabix, though I did used to have one spread with jam sometimes. Boy tends to have it with soya yoghurt and fruit, (damn dairy intolerance, hope he grows out of it!)

If he was presented with a nice dinner with meat, potatoes/pasta & carrots, he would eat the carrots first and kick off about the rest once they are all eaten. Grin

I dont strictly BLW, but he fights a spoon a lot of the time, he waits for me to stop watching and get on with stuff and the food just sort of disappears into his mouth in stealthy handfuls til most of its gone in. He will allow jelly to be spoonfed though Hmm

Paschaelina · 29/06/2011 11:37

Today we have had shreddies mixed with yoghurt and 1/3 banana for breakfast. BF at 7am and 10.30am (smaller than usual). Lunch is mackerel with tomato breadcrumb topping. Will aim for a BF around 3pm and then dinner at 5pm which will be (thinks quickly whats in the freezer...) Garlic chicken I think, with pasta. Grin

TheArmadillo · 29/06/2011 15:52

Isuppose thats all aimed at me Hmm

firstly they are weetabix minis (not standard weetabix) which are also supposed to be eaten dry as a snack food as well as breakfast so yes i don't see a problem with it and yes I eat them like that as well.

Saecondly if bread is alright for lunch then how the fuck is toast a problem Confused It's easier for her to eat than floppy bread. Also I regularly have beans/sketti hoops on toast so how is that different Hmm

Thirdly dd hates mush/slop which is why she started (sort of) BLW - she can handle thicker stuff like mash for a bit but hates stuff like yoghurt, baby porridge. She ate much less of it than she does BLW.

Her weight is more than fine (gone from 25th percentile to 75th).The problem with the milk was she was drinking more than double the expected at her age. We haven't restricted the milk (she is fed on demand) but now asks for less.

Having had a child who has had terrible problems with eating then I think I would notice if dds was a problem. Which it isn't.

Brillbryant · 29/06/2011 22:42

I really wasn't sure about BLW before my ds. It certainly opened my eyes when we started. My ds was very unhappy and frustrated until we gave it a go. It may not seem like it's going in but I've seen the growth charts and I'm told every day how healthy my baby looks. I know it's not everyones cup of tea but it sure works for us. It frees me up so we can eat together rather than spooning food into his mouth. He's much less frustrated. I totally understand, I would hate somebody spooning food into my mouth!! The whole family love coming up with ideas about what food he can have for the next mealtime. It's much less effort than having to cart loads of pots around. He's had a whole banana and toast for breakfast,
lunch was a veg lasagna and blueberries
dinner was fish fingers and beans, and yogourt.
He ate the whole lot himself with very little on the floor. He is 9 mnths old and just perfect!!

Vegasgirl · 30/06/2011 12:28

I have settled on a mixture of both, DD was refusing the spoon so I concentrated on letting her feed herself.

After a week of this she started accepting the spoon again so we are happily having Porridge from a spoon then toast/sandwich with various toppings for lunch.

For tea either a pouch or whatever we are eating from a spoon. Or chicken nuggets or fish fingers with carrot/butternut squash sticks. Then more finger food as snacks. She is much more adventurous when she is feeding herself and will now eat lumps off a spoon as well!

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