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Vacuum sealing own jars of baby food

7 replies

Mammie81 · 13/05/2011 16:49

Has anyone ever done this with their own baby food? Id like to make my own things and seal them so that effectively I have the convenience of the jars but with nice and lovely home made grub inside!

Ive seen vacuum sealers which put things into bags, or should I just buy jars and seal them myself? I dont want to compromise the quality of the food.

Any help would be appreciated!

OP posts:
UKSky · 15/05/2011 22:55

How about pasteurising it? I know this link is for apple juice but the principle is the same:


Mammie81 · 13/05/2011 17:52

I do jams but like you say, the acidity is the thing. Oh well.

OP posts:
bronze · 13/05/2011 17:13

I would just stick with Ellas kitchen, afterall a holiday isn't very long time.
I make my own apple sauce but having read up like you I've chickened out of anything else

Mammie81 · 13/05/2011 17:03

Ive just read some more on it and I think you are right. I'd have to heat the jars so much Id kill the nutrients.

Just makes it so difficult what with going on holiday. I cant take any of my frozen stuff. I was thinking bolognase and casserole etc

OP posts:
bronze · 13/05/2011 17:00

What would you be wanting to preserve?

Mammie81 · 13/05/2011 16:53

I just look at the ellas kitchen packs and think, i could do exactly that for DS, its just the preserving. There must be a way [determined face]

OP posts:
bronze · 13/05/2011 16:50

I would be wary of botilism. You would be ok with things high in acid but I wouldnt bottle meat. Better to freeze

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