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York ideas please!!

18 replies

AMR123456 · 21/10/2016 20:02

We are going to York for 3 days over half term. We've been before (pre kids) so would like any ideas of must do activities & places we should visit when we're there. Kids are 7 & 10. TIA x

OP posts:
firsttimemum15 · 28/10/2016 11:35

Any ideas of things to do with a baby

AnneElliott · 27/10/2016 20:31

Jorvik centre is closed after a flood, but rail museum is great.

Minster is also good and you get a great view from the tower.

MrsAmaretto · 27/10/2016 20:25

We did - The Dig, National Railway Museum & Castle Museum. All were great and we did one a day as well as wandering around and eating!

AMR123456 · 22/10/2016 12:53

Thank you for all your suggestions!! Can't wait to go sounds like there's plenty for us to do x x

OP posts:
TyneTeas · 21/10/2016 23:35

Cold War bunker is fab!

You don't need to book (unless a large group) but it is guided tours at fixed times

Not sure it's a better choice over other suggestions for the age of the kids though

mutters sulkily about things I remember being considered heritage

Whycantibetangy · 21/10/2016 20:43

Bold fail!

Whycantibetangy · 21/10/2016 20:42

Ooh I didnt know it was open weekend at the windmill [coffee] thanks for that, we will take a little cycle over and buy some of their flour

CoffeeAndOranges · 21/10/2016 20:32

Bit out of the city centre but did you know we have a working windmill right in the heart of the suburbs? Open days at Holgate windmill this weekend:

There's also a Cold War bunker nearby but not sure you can just go there without booking (and it's really hard to find)!

Elfontheedge · 21/10/2016 20:31

I highly recommend Dig York. They have set up some little archeology sites in an old church building and kids (and grown ups) can dig for finds and talk about what they have found. It's staffed by archeology students from the university and it's great fun if you like history.

Whycantibetangy · 21/10/2016 20:31

Weds to Sat is illuminating York, my 2 are similar ages and they love it. Check out this website for other stuff going on

Castle Museum is really really great for kids. They are thinking about pratting around with the entrance to Cliffords Tower and plonking a roof etc on.....I fear they will win so take your chance to visit now before its ruined forever.

A walk around the walls is good fun if the weather is nice. Try to take in Walmgate Bar, it has an amazing little cafe inside it!

Cheerybigbottom · 21/10/2016 20:23

Oort love a money off voucher

York ideas please!!
Cheerybigbottom · 21/10/2016 20:21

Look up the York pass, it is about £20 for the day pass for kids and £25 for adults, but you can get 2 day ones too. They get you unlimited entry to the castle, lots of museums and the dungeon.

CoffeeAndOranges · 21/10/2016 20:19

Brew and Brownie for, well you can probably guess... There's also a fab independent toy shop almost next door as well as a shop selling liqueurs that you can sample.

Walk the bar walls, especially the bit from monk bar to bootham bar that goes round the back of the Minster dean's house.

Walk down the river to Rowntree Park. Lots to explore there and a great little library/cafe.

betterthan · 21/10/2016 20:19

Railway museum !

TyneTeas · 21/10/2016 20:12

Here usually has some good holiday activities running

cheerylilthing · 21/10/2016 20:10

NRM, Castle Howard isn't too far away, there's York Chocolate Story too. Yorvik is sadly closed because of flooding but is usually worth visiting.

It's a good place just to amble too & Betty's have plenty of Halloween cakes/treats to indulge in too (their window displays are pretty fab because of that too).

firsttimemum15 · 21/10/2016 20:08

Open top bus tour, ghost walk, Castle museum, generally walk around watch Street entertainers and take it in. Visit the shambles - a must for first timers. Rail way museum is free. There's also the Jorvik. York dungeons and river cruises which are nice.

I've never done it but there is the chocolate tour too in the centre now I believe plus right outside is a street entertainer spot

HolesInTheFloor · 21/10/2016 20:05

We're going for the first time next week. I have a train obsessed 4 yo who is desperate to go to the Railway Museum.

Sorry no advice but watching with interest Smile

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