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London this weekend - 'hot' activities?

3 replies

Sweetman · 17/07/2014 21:34

Hi. We are heading to London this weekend with 3 yo in tow. Looks like we're in for a heatwave, so wondered if anyone could recommend a good park/outdoor space? Is there anywhere good that they can play in some water/fountains?

Thank you!

OP posts:
cestlavielife · 17/07/2014 22:02

Fountains off til 23 July at Somerset hpuse

cestlavielife · 17/07/2014 22:01

Go to Diana memorial fountain plenty water to paddle (bit of a trek from the playground )

EverythingCounts · 17/07/2014 21:58

I haven't been but I have seen good things posted about the Diana playground in Kensington Park/ gardens. Think there may be fountains there. Would have gone but when we were there, the weather was terrible!

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