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things to do in Buckinghamshire

3 replies

iambach · 24/06/2011 21:51

Anyone recommend things to do in or near Buckinghamshire with kids (7, 4 and 3)

Thinking of going for a week in Aug but not really sure what there is to do there but was only holiday available within budget!!


OP posts:
BlackandGold · 25/06/2011 07:52

Milton Keynes has Xscape with all the skiing, snow type things. Also Willen Lake for water skiing, one of those high ropes climbing thingies etc.

Then there's Gulliver's for under 12s and one of those Eco Parks - that's literally opposite Willen Lake.

Nearby is Woburn for the Safari Park (20mins drive from MK)

Wicksteed Park at Kettering might be a bit too far for you but it's a great day out at that age

Am sure I've missed lots out but it depends on which part of Bucks you're visiting.

LeoTheLateBloomer · 25/06/2011 07:50

The Chilterns are lovely for walks and picnics.

bagelmonkey · 25/06/2011 07:46

The Roald Dahl Museum is good.
It's in Great Missenden
adults £6, children £4
Under 5 is free
(family ticket £19)

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