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Help finding a Tutor

20 replies

shelleyjelly · 24/11/2018 11:01


I have an 8 yr old daughter who needs help with maths and English. Homework help would be great too as I have smaller children and evenings can be chaotic. We are thinking of moving to the countryside however some of the schools we are applying for are oversubscribed and need an entrance exam. I think I need to find a tutor as I just don't have enough time sadly or the patience. No one seems to admit to having tutors so I have no idea where to look :( any help would be greatly appreciated. We are not applying to London schools so hopefully that helps. Thank you so much x

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Hiandhowareyou · 07/01/2019 22:18

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Hiandhowareyou · 12/12/2018 13:30

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Hiandhowareyou · 07/12/2018 18:03

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twinkletoes999 · 07/12/2018 13:59

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shelleyjelly · 02/12/2018 20:37

It is great to hear about another website from the perspective of a tutor. I will look at this now. Thank you

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Hiandhowareyou · 02/12/2018 16:55

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shelleyjelly · 29/11/2018 12:16

That is great advice, thank you so much. I will definitely take a look. Thank you :)

OP posts:
Fortiesarefab · 29/11/2018 11:45

Have you had a look at Belgravia Education? She's a former head teacher and my friend said she takes on a few children each year for tutoring.

shelleyjelly · 28/11/2018 22:42

This is so kind, thank you so much :)

OP posts:
April2020mom · 28/11/2018 22:27

I used this website when I was searching for a tutor for my eldest girl.

shelleyjelly · 28/11/2018 18:16

Thank you so much :)

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grace17 · 28/11/2018 17:33

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millefiore · 27/11/2018 18:48

Sent you a pm.

shelleyjelly · 26/11/2018 14:43

Aw I understand, thank you :)

OP posts:
Lara53 · 26/11/2018 13:52

What I meant was for example where I live we have a *** Community Board so if I had a question I would pop on there and ask, for example - recommendations for a tutor for 8 yr old girl etc

elliollie · 26/11/2018 12:42

There's another site called Tutor Hunt which may be useful

shelleyjelly · 26/11/2018 12:41

Thank you so much :)

OP posts:
Whatsallthisaboutthen · 26/11/2018 11:46

There are lots of sites like First Tutors which are useful.

shelleyjelly · 26/11/2018 11:44

Hi Lara, we are in Fulham. I have not thought about Facebook groups before. Should I just search for tutor groups maybe? Thank you :)

OP posts:
Lara53 · 26/11/2018 11:08

What area are you in? Local facebook groups might be a good place to ask. We have a local Dyslexia centre who have tutors based there, do you have something like this near by?

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