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Best place to buy toys online?

3 replies

CityDweller · 16/11/2014 21:38

Looking for recommendations of good toy websites. Not into branded stuff, more educational or traditional toys. DD is 19 mo and I'm looking for some simple jigsaws (2-12 piece ones), some craft stuff (she loves drawing) and a nice push-along wooden animal (the ones on long sticks), but would also like a good site I can get ideas from for things she might like that I haven't thought of yet...


OP posts:
MurkyMinotaur · 16/11/2014 21:50

Some of my favourite shops:


The Happy Puzzle Company (There is a 'younger puzzler' section and I can vouch for their customer service being great.)

TTS (A school and nursery supplier that serves private customers too.)

Some of my favourite brands:

For wooden traditional and innovation toys search for brands such as haba, hape, plan toy, pin toy, John Crane and WonderWorld.

For timeless classic plastic toys search for Ambi toys (a brand under the Galt umbrella)

Dolallytats · 16/11/2014 21:44

Not On The High Street is great. Amazon has a huge range as well. Early Learning Centre is good for craft stuff and musical instruments as well as jigsaw puzzles.

PoppyWearer · 16/11/2014 21:40

GLTC (check the Mumsnet discount) and Mulberry Bush?

Not on the High Street.

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