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How old was you when you started to learn to drive

114 replies

Aloeveralipbalm · 17/04/2024 16:37

So im 38 this year never learned to drive but i really want to learn.
Ive never been in the driving seat i know nothing about driving at all.
I feel to old but im really not.
So I came to ask MN.
How old was you when you started was it hard how long did it take.

OP posts:
MonsterMunched · 17/04/2024 16:39

17th birthday. Passed my test 6 months later first time. I found it easy however I have friends who also learnt as teenagers and took 4/5 tests to pass as they found it difficult.

Dacadactyl · 17/04/2024 16:41

21 when I started and passed within the year.

taxguru · 17/04/2024 16:41

Started learning on the roads on my 17th birthday and passed three months later.

Our son had his first driving lesson on this 17th birthday and passed four months later.

Seeline · 17/04/2024 16:41

I was 17 - passed 2nd time.
My mum started at 48. She passed 1st time and is still driving at 87.

GiantRoadPuzzle · 17/04/2024 16:41

18 when I started to learn & passed.

33 when I started to drive regularly.

SallyWD · 17/04/2024 16:41


SingingSands · 17/04/2024 16:43

24 - never needed to until I had my first baby.

Eyesopenwideawake · 17/04/2024 16:44

MonsterMunched · 17/04/2024 16:39

17th birthday. Passed my test 6 months later first time. I found it easy however I have friends who also learnt as teenagers and took 4/5 tests to pass as they found it difficult.


nononononononononon · 17/04/2024 16:44

I'm in my 40s and have never bothered - it's not something I've needed yet.

SabreIsMyFave · 17/04/2024 16:46

I was 27. Took me 5 tests to pass!!! It starts to get harder when you get past mid 20s @Aloeveralipbalm but you can do it! Grin

Keep us posted. 😍

Desecratedcoconut · 17/04/2024 16:46

Not until I was 32. I was getting through life just fine on public transport and not blowing through money owning a car but by the time I had two small children underfoot it was becoming untenable to get about without a car.

Scampuss · 17/04/2024 16:47


It was the hardest thing I've ever learned to do, and somehow passed first time.

Also, the best thing I've ever learned. I love driving!

Sera1989 · 17/04/2024 16:47

Started about a year ago when I was 32 and have my test soon :). Took me months to build up confidence but I am doing well with it now

TM1979 · 17/04/2024 16:47

I was 28 when I passed my test. Had lessons for a year on and off prior. Was a nervous wreck. Ds19 passed his test at 17. Dd23 is learning but lives in the city so there’s no push on her when she has public transport to rely on.

LaPalmaLlama · 17/04/2024 16:48

17 but I was disorganised and hadn’t sorted my provisional so it wasn’t on my birthday. Passed second time- can’t remember when but it was before I was 18 as I remember driving to school. failed my first test because did an emergency stop to avoid running over a squirrel.

Singleandproud · 17/04/2024 16:55

29 passed at 30, purposefully had a full year if lessons to experience driving in all weather and road conditions as I knew I'd be driving with DD pretty much immediately. I did 1.5 hours x once a week for 6 months and went up to twice a week after that.

I really enjoyed learning to drive, investing in myself outside of being 'mum' and learning a new skill did me the absolute world of good in a way it wouldn't have if Id done it at 17 and was good for DD to see me doing that too.

It's expensive to learn but it's also expensive to keep a car so I figure if you can't afford one, you can't really afford the other.

TheSproutOfWrath · 17/04/2024 16:56

Learning now. I'm 54. Test imminent 🙄

JoJothegerbil · 17/04/2024 16:56

Started learning at 17. Passed at 18. Would have been 17 had I not failed first time!

Lovelynames123 · 17/04/2024 16:57

First lesson on my 17th birthday, passed about 12 weeks later, I was desperate to drive!

Treacletreacle · 17/04/2024 17:01

38 so i say go for it!! I. Was pregnant with my second and god its made life so much easier. Shopping, school runs holidays. I never thought i would be able to do it. I hate learning and having to do things in front of others. I didn't pass until my 3rd test. Kept panicking and making silly mistakes. Then once i passed i used to be anxious about getting lost. But now i love it. Driving alone with my music playing is like therapy to me.
Best of luck x

Cosycover · 17/04/2024 17:03

I passed at 36 after failing and giving up at 18.

Kryten1958 · 17/04/2024 17:10

I passed at 17 (second attempt). Good to get a full licence if you can, it is a life skill. Even if you don't want to own a car, you can always rent one when needed.


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fromaytobe · 17/04/2024 17:13

I was 19 and had 19 lessons before I passed. They say that on average people have one lesson for every year of their age apparently. Or they did then, but that was before the theory test being separate and all.

RampantIvy · 17/04/2024 17:15

You aren't too old at 38. It's never too late to start.
When I lived in London I didn't need a car, but after moving to Yorkshire I started learning at 21 and passed my test first time at 22.

Gobolino80 · 17/04/2024 17:16

43, I passed in November and still can't quite believe I've done it!

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