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Buying a second hand Apple Watch

14 replies

lairyfights9 · 16/04/2024 09:07

Partner wants an Apple Watch and his birthday is coming up. We can't afford to buy new so am looking at buying one from fb marketplace and I'm a bit worried about getting scammed! Just wondering if anyone has any tips or knows what to watch out for? Alternatively, any suggestions of safe selling websites where they've got buyer protection? Thanks for any help

OP posts:
YouveGotAFastCar · 16/04/2024 09:12

Can you get a refurbished one from Apple instead?

But do make sure that you know what version he wants. If he's after one of the latest bunch, you're unlikely to make big savings on one second-hand if it's in good condition. Any massive price reductions would be a big red flag.

If he's after an earlier model, you might be able to get a decent saving, but you'd need to take into account lifespan/wear and tear, as well as making sure it's got the features he'd like to use.

You can get them from some phone companies on contract, if that's useful - I got my first one from O2, and paid it monthly alongside my phone.

BodyKeepingScore · 16/04/2024 09:13

Amazon sometimes do certified refurbished ones?

OneFrenchEgg · 16/04/2024 09:19

Don't buy off Facebook.
I would say that Apple support is brilliant- mine is really old and the battery kept losing power so I was looking at buying a new one. I found apple support and paid £100 m for a repair and they've sent a replacement watch. All took about four days from posting it off to receiving it back.

Temporaryanonymity · 16/04/2024 09:21

My son bought a refurb iPhone from backmarket and I’m very impressed. It was in excellent condition and at a much reduced price. In fact I’m looking for a refurbished Apple Watch there too, as mine has disappeared. I’m sure it will turn up as soon as I buy a replacement.

Aposterhasnoname · 16/04/2024 09:22

What’s your budget? You might be able to get a refurbished one.

lairyfights9 · 16/04/2024 09:29

Thanks for responses 😊 max budget is £100, I don't think he's too fussed which model but probably as new as we can afford.

I'll have a look for a refurbished one through Apple now 👍

OP posts:
lairyfights9 · 16/04/2024 09:31

All the refurbished ones showing on Apple are above my price range unfortunately (lowest was £189)

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1990s · 16/04/2024 09:35

Temporaryanonymity · 16/04/2024 09:21

My son bought a refurb iPhone from backmarket and I’m very impressed. It was in excellent condition and at a much reduced price. In fact I’m looking for a refurbished Apple Watch there too, as mine has disappeared. I’m sure it will turn up as soon as I buy a replacement.

Yep came to say Backmarket or as others said refurbished from Apple. CEX also actually have great options and a really good warranty period.

I’d never buy a new phone / watch watch etc now, I don’t need the latest tech and refurbished are great!

1990s · 16/04/2024 09:37

Backmarket or CEX likely cheaper than Apple.

Failing that I’d go for an ebay one rather than FB - you can see peoples reviews and far fewer scammers on eBay - FB awash with them at the moment.

TwoBlueFish · 16/04/2024 09:43

CEX is where I would go, you’ll know they’ve tested it and you get a guarantee

JungsWordTest · 16/04/2024 09:43

I wouldn't try to buy a second-hand/refurb on a budget of £100. You get what you pay for - and in this case, it won't be much ... and so it won't be much of a present either. Rather spend it on something else.

lairyfights9 · 16/04/2024 10:04

Thanks for suggestions, had a look at cex and that's definitely got some options within price range 👍

@JungsWordTest I get your point but it's the only thing he's mentioned wanting. He's incredibly hard to buy for and doesn't like having a lot of 'stuff' and is also not fussy about having the latest things or things being second hand so I don't think it 'wont be much of a present' for him

OP posts:
bringonyourwreckingball · 16/04/2024 10:20

I got mine from Music Magpie

1990s · 16/04/2024 11:04

Also on the “you get what you pay for” @lairyfights9 - I don’t fundamentally disagree but I find Apple products last a bloody long time, I’ve had my current Apple Watch since 2019 and it’s still working absolutely great. So I think you could confidently buy an older less expensive model.

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