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Jury service question

10 replies

Bunnyannesummers · 16/04/2024 00:05

I’ve been called for jury service in summer, at a nightmare time work wise, but appreciate I’ve got to do it.
The ten days I’m required is fine, but I can’t really do past that, I have festivals/holidays etc booked most weeks through the rest of summer until the point in August at which we can’t take leave in work (business critical time as we’re a uni).
Does anyone know if I’ll just be able to say this to the court when I turn up, and avoid a long trial if one’s on?
I’ll literally lose out on hundreds of pounds and some once in a lifetime experiences if it goes past the two weeks, I’m stressed.

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Hermittrismegistus · 16/04/2024 00:08

Why not just defer?

OpusGiemuJavlo · 16/04/2024 00:14

You're allowed to specify allthe dates you aren't available for.

When you are scheduled, you won't just be randomly assigned, they know which trials are likely to be done in a week and which will take months (because defence and prosecution both say in advance what volune of evidence they will present) and if you are available for 2 weeks and then have a commitment you can get assigned to.a trial that is expected to be short.

Divebar2021 · 16/04/2024 00:14

You can defer it. I was called for jury service and it was during half term when I had no childcare. I deferred and was called later in the a same year. I would emphasise the problems with your work rather than discussing social events though.

Bunnyannesummers · 16/04/2024 00:17

I can’t defer as you have to give dates in the future you’re available for and I can’t do that at the moment (caring commitments and those family members waiting for ops etc). We are also launching a massive new project in work in September, timeline of which is still to be worked out, so can’t do it for that reason either.
I essentially want to know if you can say you can’t do long trials because of prior commitments - surely they can’t expect you to cancel holidays and not attend weddings etc?

OP posts:
BreakfastAtMimis · 16/04/2024 00:20

The Constance Marten / Mark Gordon trial is down to 11 jurors because one of them left to go on holiday since it overran. So I reckon you'll be fine.

Mmhmmn · 16/04/2024 00:23

You can inform them you have stuff booked (hols I mean) and will need to provide proof of booking. Then it’s up to them….

namechange301 · 16/04/2024 00:25

I had jury service recently at the old Bailey, 7 week trial. What they do at the beginning (with us anyway) is they called loads of us up for that trial, like double the amount and the judge said from the start how long the trial was. Then one by one if you were called , you either had to go up to the judge to say why you couldn't do such a lengthy trial or just accept and take your place.
The judge makes the decision so if they thinks the reason is valid then they will let you off but our judge did effectively say tough shit to a few people. Saying that, he did allow others off who had good reasons. (Things like holiday, childcare, exams etc).
He did prefer to look at proof though so if you have something you can easily show then it might help.

mathsquestions · 16/04/2024 00:25

Book refundable plane tickets and holiday accommodation and tell them you have a holiday booked for straight after the two weeks stint.

sheenaisapunkrocker · 16/04/2024 00:27

I've just finished jury service and there was no obligation to stay beyond the 10 working days. There were trials which were expected to run on and jurors were asked if they were able to stay or not. It didn't seem to be an issue at all, for any reason, if jurors could not commit beyond the required service.

Bunnyannesummers · 16/04/2024 00:33

I’ve got all my bookings and everything bar one where I’m going as a friends plus one so that shouldn’t be a problem.

thanks everyone, that’s made me feel much more relaxed about it.

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