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AIBU to wonder why so much is expected of mums

1 reply

ImNotARegularMumImACoolMum · 14/04/2024 20:40

I know I’m not being unreasonable, but I just wanted to vent really.
I just don’t understand why everything always seems to be the mums responsibility as the ‘default parent’
My partner had to cancel on his sports team today to help me take care of DS, and all of his team are saying it’s “just an excuse” and that I am capable of looking after DS. Yes, I am but I’m unwell myself and also had to care for DS alone yesterday while DP was at work.

DP has since told his manager that he won’t be at work tomorrow as DS is too unwell to go to nursery tomorrow and the response was “well why can’t mum stay home with him?” I’ve recently started a new job so would be much worse for me to take time off, and I outearn my partner so it makes more sense for DP to take time off anyway (even though we take it in turns)

It just baffles me that in todays age women are expected to go to work, pay their portion of the bills and then still be expected to do the majority of the childcare, housework and god knows what else!! How do I become a dad???

OP posts:

Am I being unreasonable?

13 votes. Final results.

You are being unreasonable
You are NOT being unreasonable
TayIor · 14/04/2024 20:45

I've never worked anywhere that a manager would respond by saying that! And also his team mates saying the same thing.....does he have form for making excuses up for not doing things? It seems more like these people know he makes excuses up, because I don't know anyone who would react like that to someone genuine who has a sick child, and yet here 2 separate groups of people have given him the same feedback.

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