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Severe lameness due to thin soles - suggestions needed

11 replies

annieapple7 · 16/04/2013 21:39

Hello tack room chums. Looking for some advice.

My former racehorse has been lame in front on and off since January...beginning of March he was X rayed because the pain was in his feet and we thought it was pedal osteitis. It isn't but the xrays showed his sole on his near fore is appallingly thin and the pedal bone looks like it is touching it!

Shoes are off, he has been trimmed by a podiatrist and he is in day and night, thick pads taped to his feet and being walked out in hand. He is such a good patient.

Has anyone had experience of this? I can't imagine how he will ever improve.

I am also looking for hoof boots but because his feet are wider than they are long, I can't find any to fit!

OP posts:
annieapple7 · 18/04/2013 16:19

Thanks all. I have a bit Hmm about the barefoot option but the specialist horse vet recommended it saying it would make his hooves stronger. If I can't find any boots to fit then the question is moot anyway and it will have to be shoes, to, as you say, lift his shoes up from the ground.
Would egg bars work in this situation do you think?

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dappleton · 18/04/2013 10:32

I'm with hm32 on this one. If a horse has thin soles i'd prefer him shod with pads than barefoot. I don't know much about Cytex but if you can put pads under them it may be your best option. Most farriers also use a putty type pad for horses at risk of laminitis, perhaps that could be useful considering where the pedal bone is?

hm32 · 18/04/2013 07:19

You need a shoe to get the sole off the ground so no abrasion on it, and gel pads to protect it until the sole thickens up. Been there, pony had the gel pads for two shoeings and was normal thereafter.

Pixel · 18/04/2013 00:21

Sorry, I just meant that if you could adjust the fit of the boots with some kind of insert it might make it a little easier to actually find some boots that would be suitable. Didn't make myself very clear.

I think you can get glue on horseshoes?

truandrakni · 17/04/2013 23:05

Have you tried really good advice and they stock quite a few different hoof boots. Really worth a phone call.

annieapple7 · 17/04/2013 21:59

Thanks so much for your replies. I need boots to put the pads in. Will look up Cytex shoes. If I can't find boots it might have to be shoes, although I can't bear the thought of banging nails in to his feet when they are so sore!

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SaggyOldClothCatPuss · 17/04/2013 20:55

How about the Cytex shoes? Ive heard mixed reviews, but they are supportive to the whole sole apparently. My friends highlands do really well with them.

octanegirl · 17/04/2013 20:41

Can't your farrier shoe him with gel pads under his shoes? that's what I've had done in the past with my myriad ex racehorses.

Pixel · 17/04/2013 18:03

Found these after a quick google. There are probably loads of other products around too. Just wondered if they would be any help as it says you can put them inside hoof boots to improve the fit.

It also says this " The Easyboot red firm comfort pad helps to reduce concussion, and will help to condition and improve the internal and external structures of the hoof.* Maybe worth investigating?

annieapple7 · 17/04/2013 16:29

Thanks Mitchy. No rotation but compared to the other foot there looks like is barely anything between his pedal bone and the sole!
The poor thing! I am really foot no horse as they say. Sad

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Mitchy1nge · 16/04/2013 22:53

Am just bumping for you really but is it actually touching? Is there some degree of rotation then?

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