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The Horse is poorly and its not looking good...

98 replies

MagicLlama · 05/01/2013 10:34

Im gutted. After all that drama with finding him, and deciding to keep him, and everything, for him now to be ill and it looking bad just feels like a punch to the face!

Hes lost the ability to stand, I heard him neighing in the early hours of the morning, and found him down and unable to get up - Vets been out and here since 5am! The Horse is up now, finally after a mass of pain killers from the vet, and us all heaving him up, but hes very wobbly, and hes shaking, and im not confident that hes going to stay up.

Vets gone off now to test bloods, and im supposed to be leaving him The Horse that is to some peace and quiet, because everytime I go to check on him he tries to wobble over to me and he looks like hes about to fall over again.

Theres talk of colic, grass sickness, muscle atrophy or all sorts of things.

I just feel so helpless, and like I should be doing something to help him, and I cant.

And just to add insult to injury for the poor guy, hes not allowed to eat until the bloods come back, so everyone else has been fed but not him! As least he seems bright enough to be annoyed about that which is a plus I guess.

OP posts:
ThatVikRinA22 · 07/01/2013 17:02

oh magic im so sorry. You gave him a lovely home and you did the right thing - im pretty sure that if the vet could have done anything else for him then they would have done. You made the right decision - i dont see what else you could do for him.

(gentle hugs)

RayBansWife · 07/01/2013 15:58

Very very sorry to hear this.
You were very brave and decent to keep him and care for him.
Thinking of you

MyDogEatsPoop · 07/01/2013 15:49

Oh. Tears here too. You were so lovely to him - I read all of his thread in one go, hoping you were going to keep him, and I'm so glad you did. He probably had the best time he'd ever known with you looking after him. So sorry it's ended so soon, but you made him a very very happy horse.

PoshPenny · 07/01/2013 15:43

Oh Magic Lama, I am SO SO sorry for you. What rotten bloody luck :( Sending you a masssive hug xxx

From what I've read on here, I think you did the right and decent thing by him, I don't think you could have done any more for him in the circumstances. To my mind to let him go and stop the suffering when you did was the right thing to do.

Lots of love from me and mine.

ExitPursuedByABear · 07/01/2013 15:42

I echo your senitment of Bastard Horse - Well - Bastard Animals - they break your bloody heart don't they.

MagicLlama · 07/01/2013 15:38

Yes I was with him. Although I was so upset im not sure how calming I was too him, but he was just so scared, and I let him down. I should have been able to make him better, and he seemed brighter yesterday, I thought he might make it. I knew he wasnt right, but he seemed perkier and more himself. Stupid horse even got through the "critical" time of the first 12 hours, and then fell down at the last hurdle of the 48 hour mark. Just fucking typical of him, always tricking you into thinking hes going to behave and then just at the last second pulling of something daft! Bastard Horse. Yard is just empty without him. Ive got to go fetch all the others in, and I just cant.
Ive sat with him in there since 3am, and yet now ive come back in I just dont want to go out again. His stables there empty and its just wrong.

OP posts:
gordyslovesheep · 07/01/2013 15:37

oh how sad :( you did absolutely the right thing but I understand how awful it feels - be kind to yourself - you took him on, you cared for him and he was happy xxxx

Pixel · 07/01/2013 15:37

So sorry. It's amazing how quickly they worm their way into your heart isn't it? You did the right thing, it doesn't sound as if there was really a choice for any decent owner.

ExitPursuedByABear · 07/01/2013 15:30

You did the kindest thing. As flight animals and it must be so scary for horses to be unable to even stand up.

Where you with him to the end?

ExitPursuedByABear · 07/01/2013 15:29

Oh Magic - only just seen your thread and your terrible news.

Having a quiet weep for you and The Horse.


MagicLlama · 07/01/2013 15:28

It sucks. It just sucks.

On one hand I know that it was probably the right decision for him, he was in pain, scared, and there didnt seem much hope of an improvement without somehow being able to do further investigations which we couldnt because of how unstable he was, but I just feel like I could/should have done something more for him.

I dont know what that something was, but I just feel like it should have been something

OP posts:
MaggieMaggieMaggieMcGill · 07/01/2013 15:25

Oh magic, I am so so gutted for you, will you get an autopsy done? Glad he spent his last few weeks being well cared for Sad

FancyPuffin · 07/01/2013 15:20

I'm so so sorry Magic Sad

At least he spent his final months with a lovely owner being cared for.

50BalesOfHay · 07/01/2013 15:19

Oh Magic, I'm so sorry. At least he had a good home with you, and you've done evreything you could for this poor horse, including taking the brave, and right decision for him at the end.

MagicLlama · 07/01/2013 15:06

The Horse is no longer with me.

Hes gone downhill last night despite seeming to have perked up a bit yesterday. He collapsed again in the early hours of this morning, and on the advice of the vet ive had to let him go.

I just dont know what to do with myself. Hes only been here a short time but already the place seems wrong without him.

I just remember him looking so confused, trying to get back up to his feet, and hed get into sitting and then just crash down again, and I couldnt do anything.

OP posts:
alwaysGOLD · 07/01/2013 13:13

Oh no!! I really wish him well, i hope he pulls through, esp after what the pair of you went through x

Zazzles007 · 06/01/2013 23:24

Everything here is still crossed in hopes that The Horse pulls through. He is a fighter, so you have that on your side.

Wishing you and The Horse all the luck in the world! Sad

MummyO4 · 06/01/2013 22:12

sounds like a nightmare for you and the poor horse! - Has your vet considered Azoturia? some of the symptoms sound very similar. I hope it all turns out well. Fortunately, he sounds as though he is a fighter! Good luck!

Masterchuff · 06/01/2013 20:26

Hoping he pulls through.

D0G · 06/01/2013 20:14

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

horseylady · 06/01/2013 20:11

Hugs really hope you get a good recovery.

fortyplus · 06/01/2013 20:07

Thinking of you and Horse. Horses can be so heartbreaking - I really hope he pulls through


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gordyslovesheep · 06/01/2013 19:41

Poor horse - thinking of you and keeping everything crossed xxxx

FancyPuffin · 06/01/2013 19:24

It almost sounds like ragwort poisoning but would have shown on the bloods (lived damage)

It does sound like some kind if poisoning Sad

Poor horse Sad and poor Magic this must awful for you

Pixel · 06/01/2013 19:18

Could he possibly have eaten something poisonous? There is a load of stuff on our vet's website. I've only skimmed it because it appears to have been written by someone who doesn't believe in punctuation Hmm but I saw muscle tremors and elevated heartrate mentioned among other things. I just wondered because his symptoms seemed to come on quite suddenly didn't they.

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