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How do you find out about opportunities to share/part loan?

8 replies

weimy · 02/07/2011 17:32


I have been learning to ride for the past three years I am in my late thirties and would like to part loan a horse so that I can ride more than once a fortnight. I am not sure though how you even find out about available horses. Are there obvious places I should be looking? And also as someone who is a late starter what kind of horse should I be looking for? I would like to go out on hacks and do some lessons in jumping.

thanks :)

OP posts:
weimy · 05/07/2011 19:56

I never thought of that! There are two close by, no will def be honest about my ability I don't want to hurt/scared or do the wrong thing for a horse :)

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Amieesmum · 04/07/2011 23:26

Tack shops :D All the adds i've found worth looking at are in there, you could even put up a wanted add.
Make sure when you're looking you're honest about your ability, don't over horse youself x

weimy · 04/07/2011 14:47

I am starting to tell people I know that ride so Fx that I hear something.

I am on Merseyside between Southport and Liverpool.

thank you!!!

OP posts:
olderyetwider · 03/07/2011 14:38

I found a nice girl to ride GD's pony through here, so let us know where you are in the country, you never know! Put up ads in tack shops as well, and as couldbe says, tell eeryone you're looking

Good luck with the search

couldbeanyone · 03/07/2011 13:45

A lot of people will not advertise their horse for share/part loan but will find someone through word of mouth (I include myself in this) - it is much easier to find someone reliable and with the appropriate level of experience this way. I suggest that you tell everyone you know locally in the horse world that you are looking. Also if you are a member of a local riding club that would help as you'll often find something that way.

weimy · 03/07/2011 13:15

Thanks for the advice!!!

OP posts:
Snoozanne · 02/07/2011 22:46

hi, try //, in the loan section. Good luck! I think sharing is a great idea, especially for busy mums who can't commit to full ownership. I sold my horse when I got pregnant, but might consider sharing a horse myself if I found the right one.

asecretlemonadedrinker · 02/07/2011 17:33

horsequest I think is a good place, and horsemart (?) I was having a look on google the other day.

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