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Phone policy

27 replies

GrammarTeacher · 15/07/2019 11:54

I'm trying to get our school to have something approaching a coherent mobile policy.
The only limit at the moment is no use in class without teacher permission. We are a school of zombies at break and lunchtime and it's just not healthy.
I have managed to get them banned from the canteen - partly as it was leading to rudeness to staff. I presented the evidence to the head who said he would arrange for the issue to be discussed.
It was. On my day off. And my views and intentions were completely misrepresented and they have decided to do.....nothing.
Anyway, long story short, what are your schools' policies on mobile phones.

OP posts:
TheRLodger · 18/07/2019 19:40

Oh yes any phones caught being used in unauthorised areas are confiscated by the teacher. Until the end of the day

OhWhatFuckeryIsThisNow · 18/07/2019 19:44

Similar to others, from last September we had blanket ban in school hours. It's great. Calm, no rows (apart from the self appointed rebels, but it's an after school detention when they refuse) no rows from parents either ( even "those" parents)

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