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Lesson every 2 weeks

21 replies

Hotbot · 10/05/2017 18:12

Hi, dh is a 2dary school teacher, next years plan means he will teach students for 1 HR every 2 weeks .
I am sick of him moaning about it ... Does anyone else do this, I don't want to be too outing so have kept info at a minimum . He will see around 700 students .

OP posts:
Rosieposy4 · 11/05/2017 18:26

Thanks isthistoonosy, that is what i was trying to work out.

Faithless12 · 11/05/2017 14:40

Doesn't he have any KS4 lessons? Just wondering roughly where in the country you are? As I'm surprised they haven't been able to recruit anyone.

Hotbot · 11/05/2017 06:16

Ah" can you tell I don't teach.,
13 classes of 30 single lessons then a different set the following week.

OP posts:
isthistoonosy · 11/05/2017 05:22

I think she is trying to understand if the kids are having a single or double lesson each fortnight as that will affect lesson content and how to manage the lessons and kids.

Hotbot · 11/05/2017 05:15

Rosie, not sure what your point is, I asked if peers had experience of this and how to succeed , in this environment .

OP posts:
Rosieposy4 · 10/05/2017 22:28

Yes but you said 1 lesson per fortnight, ie either double the number of kids, or souble your original teaching time.

Hotbot · 10/05/2017 21:39

Hmm, not sure, I will ask but he is currently busy planning and marking atm.
In my head , 22 lessons and approx 30 kids is 600 plus a week isn't it, he is teaching all years up to 18 .. Shrugs not understanding 🙂🙂

OP posts:
Rosieposy4 · 10/05/2017 20:42

It is loads of kids, and a nightmare for him in terms of learning names etc, but I don't get actually why it is "only" 700 kids. I teach 350 a fortnight, six groups on five lessons a fortnight, 2 on four lessons. Cycle and 2 on three. If I only taught each group for one lesson per cycle in theory i could have 53 different groups of 28-32 kids each so around 1600 students, near on the whole school.
So my question is, if he is only teaching 22 periods per cycle do they have very long lessons, in which case is he is getting more like 2 lessons per cycle, they are just joined together?

Hotbot · 10/05/2017 19:06

I am reading responses to him and he is nodding along .he has this timetable as they have been unable to recruit ...... I am not surprised

OP posts:
LockedOutOfMN · 10/05/2017 18:59

I am a secondary teacher and would hate this. I can understand why your husband is unhappy, OP. But if he's the only CS teacher then the size of the school must be such that he can only work full time teaching that subject if he sees each class once per fortnight. As a previous poster said, planning is less as there will be multiple classes of the same year group.

The real problem comes when there's a bank holiday or a trip...

Hezaire · 10/05/2017 18:57

It's easier seeing the same class say 3 times a week than what you describe. You don't get to know the kids etc and have more names to learn reports to write.
It's a bit of a pain but not massively unusual

PotteringAlong · 10/05/2017 18:43

I did it as an RE teacher. There is more marking but a lot less planning. Swings and roundabouts and all that.

Slightlyperturbedowlagain · 10/05/2017 18:42

A friend of mine teaches music and has similar issues with years 7-9, not least the 350 reports she has to write twice a year on pupils she often doesn't really know.

CountryCaterpillar · 10/05/2017 18:39

Yep RS is similar, then tons of parents evenings/reports etc.

Presumably less marking and set up though?

Hotbot · 10/05/2017 18:22

Sorry only c.s. Teacher

OP posts:
Hotbot · 10/05/2017 18:22

He has a 22 HR timetable for teaching . There is no otherpts teacher and no tlr.

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antimatter · 10/05/2017 18:21

10 hoursx35 students=350 students a week
so 700 students in 2 weeks time

I believe this is the case in some schools

Hotbot · 10/05/2017 18:20

Thanks faithless, his concerns are around assessments , building relationships with students , not having to recap before starting ?
How do other teachers manage to cope and succeed

OP posts:
Faithless12 · 10/05/2017 18:20

More to the point does he have the requisite time to mark, write reports and do all of the other crap required.

Faithless12 · 10/05/2017 18:18

Yes. Lots of schools only allocate an hour a fortnight for Computer Science. He is right that it is an issue as the amount of content to cover is more than 18 hours worth.

Hotbot · 10/05/2017 18:14

I am allowed say his subject is computer science

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