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Wish kids would stop coming in so early!

104 replies

blueirishues · 31/01/2017 17:06

Registration is at 8:45.

I have children skulking around every morning from 8 onwards.

They have a warm canteen with toast and drinks, they have a warm library with huge cuddly chairs, computers and books, they have their OWN HOMES they could stay in. But no. Every day they stand in a cold, soulless corridor like abandoned pets.

Why? WHY?

OP posts:
blueirishues · 01/02/2017 21:42

Ah but sleight, we give them back to you! Grin

Year 7 craze is to say 'Mister Leema' in a Spanish accent when you tell them off.

I think they all went on a conference over the Christmas holidays on how to annoy me most!

OP posts:
Heirhelp · 01/02/2017 21:46

blue the quickest way to make a phrase or an action uncool is for all the staff to start using it.

blueirishues · 01/02/2017 21:47


I got stalked on playground duty today by a gaggle of year 8s. "Miss, dab! Oh, g'awn miss, just once! Please! Dab!'


OP posts:
mumsneedwine · 01/02/2017 22:45

I am down to 100 papers !! Whoop. I'm going to have a sneaky dab (sorry !!!!)). Back to work. Oh look, it's 10.36, wow I should be going to bed. But no, I am a stupid teacher who is trying to get my year 11s marks to them this week. I still have Year 7 & 9 to mark but I'll keep going. I stupidly looked at me emails and seen 4 parents moaning that I haven't marked their year 11 papers since Monday & their kids need their results. I agree. But I teach 5 year 11 groups and I have had 1 hour free since Jan 1st. I'm not even sure I've had a pee today & my first food break was 4.15. It's a week and 2 days til half term (or, a week of catching up with marking and planning) & I am going to eat my body weight in chocolate. And 🍷

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