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Teachers - what would you like to see on a T.A.'s CV please?

4 replies

orangeisthenewblue · 06/05/2016 09:16

I have to update my CV for a T.A. application and I would really appreciate some hints or advice as to what sorts of things you look for in a CV and what kinds of thing would stand out for you? Equally, are there any cliches that I should avoid?

I have worked in a classroom environment before but not as a T.A., so I do have some transferable skills. I'm just not sure how best to frame them.

Thanks thanks for your help Smile

OP posts:
TheSolitaryBoojum · 06/05/2016 21:20

I'd want to know what you had to offer beyond the average mum volunteer.
Experience with running small groups in cubs or scouts, expertise because you have a child with additional needs, particular strengths in a curriculum area that you'd be willing to share, ability to work closely with a teacher, flexibility with what's being asked of you. Willingness to take on training if necessary.
BUt yes, teachers don't do the hiring.

DraenorQueen · 06/05/2016 21:20

Clichés-wise, I personally hate it when applicants use the phrase "as a mum myself..." or "as a busy mum..." as this is irrelevant to their ability to do the job.
Personally I like to see a well-written personal statement but I much prefer to meet someone and get a feeling. Is this person warm? Do they genuinely love children? Do they have a good subject knowledge?
Best of luck, I hope you find something fab.

BoneyBackJefferson · 06/05/2016 21:14

Sorry , not any help I know but

I'm not sure that teachers are the correct people to ask, as they will have little or nothing to do with the process of employing a member of staff.

orangeisthenewblue · 06/05/2016 10:18

Bump Smile

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