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crisis - pushed around/ fed up/ unhappy with work environment at school/ little support

4 replies

worriednow1 · 21/12/2014 14:00

have stayed in present school about 9 years and it was OK till sort of this year. I have gradually become aware that I do what others aroud tell me to do ( HOD, senior colleagues etc) I know am a push over but now I feel I do not want my life to be overtaken by others pushing confidence is so low at the moment, each little thing requires constant approval from other members of staff. Also, I feel I have not achieved what I really aspired to and feel a sense of a failure. I thought I would be progressing in my career by working ( despite 2 small kids), but now I can see I am not good in my job, I am not a good mum, I am not a good wife. I need to reevaluate my life....fell like going part time and having more time for what I like/ for enjoyment in life...

OP posts:
worriednow1 · 22/12/2014 17:18

I want to start a club and now my HOD says that I need an approval from another teacher... it is not a school policy - it is her view...and as he is HOD - she can push me around?

OP posts:
Quitethewoodsman · 22/12/2014 11:38

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echt · 22/12/2014 00:18

OP, could you say in what ways you are a pushover? What are all these approvals from other staff, is it school policy or just you?

GingerbreadPudding · 21/12/2014 18:53

Ok, so go part time. Or go supply - your current school would probably use you lots as you know the ropes.

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