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Maths QTS odd question..

48 replies

rockpink · 21/07/2014 22:08

I have my test soon, and recently have only been getting 22%. However tonight after 2 glasses of wine I got 58%.
How is this possible (and should I have a wee dram before the exam??)

OP posts:
mrsmilesmatheson · 28/07/2014 10:14

Good luck with the test when you do it. Coping under pressure is an essential skill when teaching, ofsted, observations etc can be really stressful.

rockpink · 28/07/2014 10:34

Thank you, I can only revise and do my best!

OP posts:
TheLateMrsLizCromwell · 29/07/2014 13:45

I did this last year, and it was far more nerve-wracking than being observed in a lesson! I di the English one the weeks before as I thought it would be easier, and it would acclimatise me to the exam conditions etc. I also had anxiety that meant that I got the first one right, then panicked and changed the answer, and realised I had got that changed answer wrong. however, I relaxed more as the test went on, and passed. remember, you do not have to get 100%, just have to pass, and if you did the practice questions, and as other have said, memorise fractions and decimal equivalents, and learn the times tables so that you can instantly recall, that will help enormously. Good Luck!!

rockpink · 29/07/2014 15:49

Thanks! I'm revising like mad now, in between school holiday shenanigans and rescue remedy :)

OP posts:
toyoungtodie · 29/07/2014 15:55

The most brilliant Maths tutor on the web is it is sponsored by Bill Gates. It will help with any Maths problem from years I to 12. It shows you a video pertaining to every level and it IS FREE. It has interactive mini exams to check that you understand. I would put all my children on it as it is utterly brilliant. You can monitor how long they have spent on it if you register as your children's coach.

rockpink · 29/07/2014 16:22

I am also registered on there!
Helped me tremendously with A Level Biology as well :)

OP posts:
rockpink · 30/07/2014 16:52

I passed today! Grin

OP posts:
rockpink · 30/07/2014 16:53

And thank you to all who posted such good links and advice. Whew, I am so happy!!

OP posts:
ladygracie · 30/07/2014 16:58

Well done. That's great. You must be really relieved. Was it as awful ds you expected?

ladygracie · 30/07/2014 16:58

As you expected. Stupid phone.

Floralnomad · 30/07/2014 17:09

Congratulations .

VestaCurry · 30/07/2014 17:16

Well done!

rockpink · 30/07/2014 17:24

It wasn't as bad, at all! However I realised after it was finished I realised I'd left the headphones on for the whole time - doh!
There was a lot of 6 and 8 times tables, box & whisker diagrams and four multi part questions with formulas to complete, two fraction reduction exercises and some time-based questions.
Like previous posters, I actually found it interesting and a little easier than the online tests. Although I only had two minutes left at the end I did try and check the answers too!

OP posts:
17leftfeet · 30/07/2014 18:19

Well done Grin

I left the headphones on deliberately as I was at a very busy test centre with learner drivers up and down every 2 minutes disturbing me -grrr

The English they put me right in the corner but for maths I was next to the door

partialderivative · 30/07/2014 21:09

Well done!

In my day we had to produce a certificate to prove we had O' level maths (and English)

This was despite the fact I had just passed a Maths degree.

TheLateMrsLizCromwell · 31/07/2014 13:46

We still have to prove we have those (ie GCSE or o LEVEL maths and English) took me ages to get re-issued certs for those as I had lost them over the years. But also had to do the online tests. Does seem barmy for people with a degree in those subjects, tho'!

TheLateMrsLizCromwell · 31/07/2014 13:48

And a friend of mine who is a HoD in Yorkshire, and generally acknowledged fantastic MFL teacher, failed his maths o level despire numerous attempts, luckily in the days before it was required, as he would have been a massive lost to teaching.

Peonysandblueglass · 07/08/2014 22:23

Congratulations I have mine tomorrow and am SO nervous, I've passed all of the online tests so am hoping I will remember everything tomorrow, I'll let you know how I do eeeek!

rockpink · 07/08/2014 22:37

Good luck! You'll be fine!! Let me know how you get on!
(Remember 6 & 8 x tables and fractions to percentages :) cos that was definitely in! !!!)

OP posts:
Peonysandblueglass · 08/08/2014 11:41

Thank you! 5 minutes eeeeek!!

Peonysandblueglass · 08/08/2014 14:28

Passed!! SOOO pleased it was very hard though !

rockpink · 08/08/2014 18:31

Well done! !!! Wine
What kind of questions did you have?

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Peonysandblueglass · 08/08/2014 18:34

I had an inches into metres one and a rather unexpected one about a 3x6 vegetable patch, asking how many kilograms of manure needed to be on it to cover it! Off for dinner now :)

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