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Maternity cover and want out

9 replies

blackcoffee · 10/01/2013 21:44

I'm a NQT and I hate my job (not the teaching, not the children - support staff issues). I know leaving before the end of the contract is discretionary but would it prejudice my career to ask? I don't think I can make it to the end of term.

OP posts:
LindyHemming · 19/01/2013 16:27

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

blackcoffee · 15/01/2013 23:03

I've got a grip again.
I'm not the only one feeling this way to be fair, most staff seem to - school on verge of special measures, being directed to teach in a way neither I or any of the people I've ever worked with previously can see benefit from, negative support staff, you name it - it feels like being herded (or given SLT style gently shepherded) off a cliff and then blamed for falling.
On the bright side, individuals are nice, the children and parents are totally amazing, I have come up with some strategies that seem to be helping - and it isn't really all that long to go, is it? I feel I could do so much better for the children if I could get on and teach the way I know works.
Am meeting with new mentor soon, and there are summer term vacancies coming up. I've survived the 3 days since I started this thread, I can get there. It will fly by, right?

OP posts:
Amerryscot · 15/01/2013 21:34

Why are you an emotional wreck?

What specific things about the job are stressing you out?

It would be bad to leave early as so much hinges on your reference.

blackcoffee · 11/01/2013 16:14

yes, am in Union, good plan, I will do that.

OP posts:
stargirl1701 · 11/01/2013 16:07

Are you in a Union? If not, join one and then get some advice from either your school or regional rep.

blackcoffee · 11/01/2013 16:06

I had about three hours sleep last night, I am a physical and emotional wreck.

OP posts:
blackcoffee · 11/01/2013 16:04

my mentor was really supportive but mentor changed this term and I have had no dialogue with the new one yet. HT is aware of my problems but has publicly backed support staff and work is now true hell.

OP posts:
TheNebulousBoojum · 11/01/2013 07:57

Yes it would be, talk to your mentor about the problems. It's their job to help you fix them.

lljkk · 11/01/2013 07:45

You've got to try to stick it, methinks! Yes would be detrimental.

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