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My beautiful old lady is being pts in three hours

30 replies

Ginkypig · 15/08/2020 12:59

It's time but it's going to be awful. She is sleeping on my knee just now and I just keep thinking at 4pm....

I don't know what I want from this thread but I'm sure later it will probably be too hard to start a thread so maybe if I do it now I can come back later and post the last photo I took today and some of you will have replied. I don't know I think I'm rambling a bit Blush

I love her so much and I am strong enough to do this for her to avoid her suffering soon if I don't but it's going to be so empty without her here when I come home.

OP posts:
TitsOutForHarambe · 15/08/2020 23:28

So sorry for your loss. My cat has hopefully got a long time left as she is young but I know that one day her time will come and I well up at these threads. They are such a huge part of the home. My mother had to have hers PTS recently and I was devastated - he was old as the hills and was around when I was a kid! He used to be my hot water bottle. I didn't get to say goodbye because we couldn't travel due to lock down.

Just know that you've done the kindest thing and have given her a wonderful life.

Want2beme · 15/08/2020 23:21

So sorry for your sad loss. We're all with you and understand how difficult today was for you. Tell us all about her when you're able to Flowers

Greenbks · 15/08/2020 21:10

I’m so sorry for your loss. She was loved by you and I’m sure she knew it. Will be thinking of you & her tonight.

MyCatsSlave · 15/08/2020 21:05

So sorry for your loss, you must be heartbroken. You have done the kindest thing for her and she was lucky to be so loved x

Pasghetti · 15/08/2020 20:57

Lots of love to you ❤

BadTattoosAndSmellLikeBooze · 15/08/2020 20:44

I’m so sorry. Flowers

We had to have our old boy pts last year so I know how heartbroken you will be feeling.

As others have said, you’ve done the kindest thing for her but that won’t make you miss her any less. It sounds like she was very loved right til the end and I’m sure you have some lovely memories of her.

I look forward to seeing a photo of her tomorrow.

StartingGrid I’m so sorry about your lovely boy too. It’s just heartbreaking.

Ginkypig · 15/08/2020 20:32

Oh my I can't tell you how much I appreciate your words. I hadn't really expected any replies so I'm a bit overwhelmed at the lovely people who have Taken the time out of their lives to say something nice to a stranger going through a hard time. I very much appreciate it thankyou so much.

If everyone doesn't mind il come back tomorrow to share a picture and share a bit more about her but I'm quite teary eyed tonight, it's been a surprise at quite how much it has hurt to say goodbye as I thought I had gotten ready for this day and knew I was doing this because I refused to allow her to suffer and she was a pet (rather than a human if that makes sense) but im feeling pretty floored tonight.

Oh and I'm really sorry startinggrid il send a wee message up to her to show your boy the way to the buffet ok!

OP posts:
StartingGrid · 15/08/2020 19:38

My darling boy made his final journey today too, he went peacefully... perhaps their paths will cross and they will be pain free and happy together. So very sorry you've had to go through it too Flowers

gypsywater · 15/08/2020 19:20

So sorry :( Its heartbreaking. The kindest thing you can do for a beloved kitty tho xxx

DramaAlpaca · 15/08/2020 19:20

It's both the hardest and the kindest thing you can do for your lovely girl Flowers

HuggedTheRedwoods · 15/08/2020 19:20

So sorry Flowers knowing its the kindest thing for them doesn't lessen your pain. It takes a good while to adjust to them not being about the house so be kind to yourself.

littlealexhorne · 15/08/2020 19:18

I'm so sorry, I hope you're coping as well as can be expected. Like others I'd love to see a photo and hear more about her when you're feeling up to it Flowers

GenuineKlatchianPottery · 15/08/2020 19:10

Flowers I would love to hear more about your lovely lady when you feel able to OP.

Lupellegrino · 15/08/2020 18:58

I'd love to see a photo too, and hear the story of how you came together. I would love another cat in my life, hopefully one day x

Madcats · 15/08/2020 17:22

Ginkypig, and all other posters that have been through the painful process of having to say "au revoir" to their soulmates recently Flowers.

I really do think that you will look back in a few weeks' time and realise that your decision was the right one to make. Not all your friends and family will necessarily understand how sad you might be feeling. Plenty will sympathise though.

Remember the happy times through all your tears.

Last year I found that looking back though old photos really helped.

mummymayhem18 · 15/08/2020 17:07

Thinking of you. I went through the same thing just over a week ago. 💔🐱

Shmithecat2 · 15/08/2020 16:50

Hope it went well. You're doing the best, kindest, most responsible thing as a cat 'owner' can do. Sending illegal hugs Flowers

Ski37 · 15/08/2020 16:41

You are doing the kindest thing and it is being done out of love. Thinking of you.

Kudukudu · 15/08/2020 16:35

Thinking of you at such a sad time. It's the most loving and responsible thing you can do, to ensure that she doesn't suffer. Allow yourself to grieve - and come back and talk here as there are so many who know how you're feeling.

Lifeispassingby · 15/08/2020 16:33

The hardest thing about loving a pet is the saying goodbye, but it also the kindest thing we can do for them ❤️

CouscousEvaporator · 15/08/2020 16:28

Flowers I’m so sorry

squeekums · 15/08/2020 16:27

Your doing the most loving, selfless thing.


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SecretWitch · 15/08/2020 16:25

I’m so very sorry. Losing a beloved pet is so hard on the heart. 💐

Pashazade · 15/08/2020 16:22

So sorry to hear this, fear we may have to make the same decision soon. But you have done it out of love and it will have been the right decision. Thinking of you Thanks

Vinorosso74 · 15/08/2020 16:14

So sorry Flowers I hope you're doing ok.

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