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This just came out of my cat's bum, and it is alive! Pic included

29 replies

Inthemoment38 · 09/11/2019 13:01

Is it a bit of a tapeworm?

This just came out of my cat's bum, and it is alive! Pic included
OP posts:
bodgeitandscarper · 12/11/2019 08:21

Dronspot covers both round and tapeworms and is easy to use as a spot on, your cat will probably need treating for roundworms too.

Marmite27 · 09/11/2019 17:28

Ovex is a wormer for humans.

Toddlerteaplease · 09/11/2019 17:24

@Winterdaysarehere they should study Cheddar, they'd need gas masks.

Toddlerteaplease · 09/11/2019 17:23

I haven't done it as an adult but remember it as a child. You can get human working tablets. I'd do it if I came into contact with a kid with worms or the cats got them'

Inthemoment38 · 09/11/2019 17:09

Namechange! Not name hanger

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Inthemoment38 · 09/11/2019 17:09

... I'm off for a name hanger so if I don't appear back, thanks again for the wormy advice today

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Inthemoment38 · 09/11/2019 17:02

Thanks for the offer @Toddlerteaplease

Do you seriously worm yourself? Are they human pills or do you take a pet pill?

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Inthemoment38 · 09/11/2019 17:01

Thank you everyone!
I went to the vets but they were defo closed so I went to the pet shop and bought a specific tape worm wormer and did it straight away. Cat on bed looking pissed off.

I have realised why this happened... the cat and dog both used to get a 3 monthly parasite treatment from the vet that did all worms ticks and fleas. Then we moved and I carried on with the new vet but the one from the new vet just does fleas. Cat has been seen eating mice lately so no wonder he's got a worm. I've bought worm stuff for both cat and dog now.

Should I be worried about toddler dd?!?

OP posts:
Winterdaysarehere · 09/11/2019 16:21

Slight derail but apparently a University has been given cash to investigate why dcat's bums smell of, well dcat poo!!
Though your dcat's has a slight wiff of worm about it!!

1forAll74 · 09/11/2019 16:07

Oh dear, my three cats are all in row,asleep on the end of my bed in my warm bedroom,and I am eating a kitkat bar whilst typing on my bed. Your photo has put me off eating now, and I am not going to wake the cats,and check their bums!

Toddlerteaplease · 09/11/2019 15:39

We do need to be. I certainly would do myself if my cat has it. Just incase

furrytoebean · 09/11/2019 15:28

This is a stupid question but I'm going to ask anyway.

How come we don't need to be wormed? If my cat had a tapeworm I'd be so anxious I had one too.

Toddlerteaplease · 09/11/2019 15:18

I've got some spare Milbemax @Inthemoment38 if you want me to drop some in the post!

MikeUniformMike · 09/11/2019 15:04

CharlieAlphaTango has been working hard this week, bringing lots of little dead mice as presents for me.

I wish I could work the fleas too, but they're jumpy little ba**ards.

TanselleTooTall · 09/11/2019 14:08

I've seen flea and worming treatments for dogs and cats as a subscription service. Flea treatments and treats every month and worm tablets in the box every three months. Perhaps worth a look?

labazsisgoingmad · 09/11/2019 14:06

the vet ones are stronger like human medicine on prescription are generally a stronger tablet medicine etc than available over counter. three week treatment sounds bit complicated i think i am right in saying vets is usually two weeks but i am sure sometimes they can give injections

MarianaMoatedGrange · 09/11/2019 13:59

Cats should be worked regularly as matter of routine

I tried to work my cats, but they were always on strike for better lap conditions and hourly rates of cat treats. Entitled little buggers.

Grumpyoldpersonwithcats · 09/11/2019 13:50

I have outdoor cats and they do sometimes get tapeworms. The only sign I've ever noticed is segments on their backsides. Clearly if left untreated they could cause a number of problems - but I've always treated as soon as possible and I've never seen any other sign of illness in my cats.

BigFatLiar · 09/11/2019 13:49

Cats should be worked regularly as matter of routine.

Wotrewelookinat · 09/11/2019 13:48

Vet here. Tapeworm segments looks like grains of rice, except they move. Something longer will likely be a roundworm. Most over the counter wormers will treat roundworm, but not necessary tape worm. Tapeworm can be passed on via fleas so you need to use a good flea treatment too. Usually no physical symptoms in an otherwise healthy cat. Some vets will be open all day on a Saturday, can you try to find one and ask their advice? I would suggest not t9 use the wormers you have as they out of date and may not work.

MikeUniformMike · 09/11/2019 13:46

The box will say if it will treat tapeworm.
I wouldn't worry too much about the sell by date.

Inthemoment38 · 09/11/2019 13:44

@Grumpyoldpersonwithcats What are the signs of tapeworm in cats? I had no idea until that segment of worm was right there in front of me 🤢

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Grumpyoldpersonwithcats · 09/11/2019 13:32

I only tend to use veterinary prescribed wormers - the last time I used one was for one of mine when he had a tapeworm - all signs were gone in a couple of days so the treatment is very fast.

Inthemoment38 · 09/11/2019 13:20

Just phoned the vets, they are closed.

I just opened that box now but it went out of date 30.10.19. It's a 3 week course of pills and you don't give the tape worm pill til week 2 so not quick enough!! Have asked DP to go to pet shop and ask for immediate tape worm stuff.

Poor cat!

OP posts:
SpoonBlender · 09/11/2019 13:17

Is it in date still? Working on the assumption that you opened it a while ago.

Should be fine if so. Note that worming treatments are a 'one time' affair - the worm killing agent goes through, hopefully taking all the contents with it. There's no lasting 'immunity' like with flea treatments.

Worth asking the vet if there needs to be a second round.

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