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What a difference a year makes...

9 replies

Justonedayatatime11 · 23/05/2019 12:31

Hard to believe that 12 months ago I was posting on here in floods of tears, having been told the best thing I could do for Snow was have her PTS as she allegedly had FIP and there was nothing they could do for her....
Thank god for my amazing vet and her second opinion. All teeth removed and this little lady is the happiest and healthiest she's ever been. Hate to think how close I came to losing her.

What a difference a year makes...
What a difference a year makes...
OP posts:
agnurse · 27/05/2019 15:39

I have heard anecdotally that once everything heals, cats generally get on okay without teeth and many can even eat dry food. Apparently their gums heal quite nicely and the strength of their jaws is enough by itself that they can still eat dry food even without teeth.

Stripyhoglets · 27/05/2019 14:47

Thank you! We've got cat on biscuit food as she's a bit of a puker and does it less with dry food. Glad to hear she'll be OK without the!

Justonedayatatime11 · 27/05/2019 12:43

Stripy honestly, you wouldn't know she doesn't have them! She still eats everything in sight, including her dry food, and when my Savannahs have their day old chicks she has a pretty good go at one of them too! Having the teeth out has given her a whole new lease of life, and she is much happier without them

OP posts:
thecatneuterer · 27/05/2019 11:58

That's lovely and she looks great.

Stripy - cats seem to manage fine with no teeth. I've had/I have loads and they all eat normally and even crunch biscuits.

Stripyhoglets · 27/05/2019 11:17

Could you let me know how your lovely cat copes with no teeth. We've taken in a stray who has had alot of teeth removed and will probably need her remaining ones removed as well according to the vet. Just wondering how she'll get on with no teeth tbh!

Vinorosso74 · 23/05/2019 17:50

Yes I remember Snow. She is looking fabulous!

agnurse · 23/05/2019 13:41

Her gorgeous girl!

Fluffycloudland77 · 23/05/2019 13:38

I remember that happening, she looks in excellent health now.

chemenger · 23/05/2019 12:33

She is beautiful.

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