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Keep getting bites

10 replies

Theknitwitch · 21/06/2018 09:48

Small red itchy bites are appearing on everyone in the house mostly on legs. Both cats have been treated regularly. Beds and carpets have been sprayed. Is there something else I’m missing?
Grateful for any help please. Skin is raw from scratching 🙁

OP posts:
sirlee66 · 21/06/2018 20:59

My vet told me frontline is awful because they haven't changed the formula for so long, fleas are immune to it! You can use frontline all day and it won't kill them. She prescribed advocate and we've never had a flea problem. We also use drontal/droncit I forget which one is the cat one every 3 months ontop of the monthly advocate because she's a hunter.

Wolfiefan · 21/06/2018 20:48

Frontline is rubbish.
Advocate is great.

Theknitwitch · 21/06/2018 20:47

Thanks everyone. Been using Indorex for everything in the home.
But have using Frontline for the cats. Will try different treatment.

OP posts:
MaddeningtheUnhelpful · 21/06/2018 10:39

I use cheap salt on my carpet everytime I vaccum now. Pets treated regularly (with vet treatment) but I found the carpet seemed to be the culprit in my house as the eggs are happy to sit there for eternity. I just sprinkle salt everywhere like a mad women and use a soft brush to rub it in a bit. Leave it for 10 minutes then hoover. Touch wood we havent had a flea problem for 2 years now x

Grumpyoldpersonwithcats · 21/06/2018 10:28

And agree re Indorex for the house.

Grumpyoldpersonwithcats · 21/06/2018 10:28

I've found Advocate works and Frontline doesn't for fleas.
We get mosquitos here so not all bites can be blamed on the cats anyway.

dementedpixie · 21/06/2018 10:21

I thought frontline was not as effective now. I have only heard good things about advocate

PositivelyPERF · 21/06/2018 10:18

Frontline combo is still the most effective. Advocate is good for ear mites, but not particularly effective if you have a flea outbreak. Don’t waste your money of supermarket type ones. You’re always best getting vet prescribed types. You can also get frontline from pets at home, but you will need to tell them the weight of your cats.

All bedding, clothing should be tumble dried to kill off bugs. All floors need to be vacuumed, as they can hide in the cracks and the spray needs to be of a good quality. Make sure you concentrate on all nooks and crannies when vacuuming and spraying. Get ride of pet beds and start from scratch, if you can or put them in a bin bag and spray, then close bag for a few hours.

dementedpixie · 21/06/2018 10:12

Indorex supposed to be good for the house

dementedpixie · 21/06/2018 10:11

What are you treating the cats with? If it's supermarket stuff then it may not be effective. I would get vet stuff e.g. advocate, advantage, stronghold plus

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