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The litter tray

My boy has just been hit by a car

42 replies

BlushingCrows · 20/05/2018 20:14

He is dead. I can't stop crying. He was the sweetest boy ever. He was a rescue cat and we were supposed to give him a good life, not let him be killed

I don't know why I'm writing this, I just had to get it out

OP posts:
BackToTheFuschia7 · 24/05/2018 16:43


You can cat proof your garden or install a catio to keep your other cat(s) safe. We changed our cats from free roaming to this and haven’t looked back since.

Cailleach1 · 24/05/2018 16:33

10mph. That is about as safe as you could make the road, without banning vehicles altogether. Wonder what the driver was doing?

They are so happy exploring their environment. He had a good life, and hopefully quick passing. If you are responsible for anything, it is the good and loved life he had.

BlushingCrows · 22/05/2018 02:12

My Bengal spent all evening looking for him. He checked on the beds, on the sofa, under the beds, in the bath (one of his favourite places). Now he is just staring out the window. They were buddies

OP posts:
TimeIhadaNameChange · 21/05/2018 10:52

It sounds like he had a wonderful life and a perfect death. Yes, it was far too soon, but he won't have known about it. And he was in the middle of doing something he loved when he went.

Hugs to you all. x

BlushingCrows · 21/05/2018 02:30


Thank you, you summed it up perfectly. I know that some believe that cats shouldn't be let out, and part of me never wants to let our other two out ever again, but they would be miserable.

OP posts:
Sammyham · 21/05/2018 01:54

Absolutely heartbreaking. Have had the same happen to me twice, been years but it still chokes me up reading this.

Some cats are just meant to be outdoors, mine were and acted exactly the same as yours, loving to explore and get fussed over by all the neighbours who'd taken a shine to them, keeping them locked up indoors would be cruel as it just wasn't in their nature.

Clearly you've given your boy the best life possible and any previous owner will know that and know you provided him with love.

BlushingCrows · 21/05/2018 01:38

We have messaged his previous owners. They will probably be very upset. We promised to look after him, they trusted us. They lived on a busy road and he was fine, we thought he was safe here

OP posts:
BlushingCrows · 21/05/2018 01:33

Thank you x

OP posts:
MrsCatE · 21/05/2018 01:32

Hand hold OP. X

BlushingCrows · 21/05/2018 01:17

I know it's not practical or fair but I just don't want to ever let our other cats out again, or just move to the middle of nowhere

OP posts:
BlushingCrows · 21/05/2018 00:28

I can't face going to sleep because when I wake up I won't see him, and I will forget for a moment or two, then it will hit me all over again.

The last time I saw him, about an hour before he died, he was rolling around in the sun and then jumping up trying (and failing) to catch flies. He was always happy

OP posts:
QOD · 20/05/2018 23:09


Wolfiefan · 20/05/2018 22:45

Nobody could predict that a road like that would put your cat at risk. This is not your fault. Not at all. Flowers

BlushingCrows · 20/05/2018 22:43

It is a private road with a 10mph speed limit, and it's a small road. It seemed safe

OP posts:
hapagirl · 20/05/2018 22:36

I’m so sorry. RTAs are a constant worry for our furry ones. But they love being outside and that’s what they’re meant to do. He had a good and happy life with all the outdoor stimulation and adulation of the neighbors. If you kept him in, he might still be alive but would he have been as happy? Still I know you will be feeling the loss. Hugs to you.

MrsCatE · 20/05/2018 22:34

All i can add is my empathy OPFlowers. You and your family gave lovely cat best life ever. Anger about driver obviously and so different if he'd hit a dog.

So sorry. Hugs x

BlushingCrows · 20/05/2018 22:28

Sorry to keep burbling. The Litter Tray kept me going when my Siamese died a couple of years ago. That couldn't have been prevented though. Maybe this could have been prevented. He was the sweetest boy and didn't deserve to be hurt

OP posts:
Bagadverts · 20/05/2018 21:50

So sorry Flowers

BlushingCrows · 20/05/2018 21:46

The driver was apparently upset because he is a vegetarian, he didn't even bother staying. Families on our street looked after it all and found us

I don't blame the lady over the road at all. She didn't encourage him, he loved people so much

DH dealt with it all and is now in shock

OP posts:
recklessruby · 20/05/2018 21:40

What I learnt is that it's not your fault you gave him a wonderful happy life. It was the driver s fault. I think about my girl a lot as she was killed just yards from home.
Tonight I was out driving and saw a little tabby in the road just about to cross. I thank God I was driving slowly and could stop. I wish the drivers that hit our precious babies had stopped

Verbena37 · 20/05/2018 21:32

I’m so sorry to hear about your cat. It wasn’t your fault. You obviously loved him very much. Flowers

FermatsTheorem · 20/05/2018 21:26

Flowers OP. Exactly the same happened to our last boy cat - run over on the road 50yards from our house. DS and I just spent the whole evening cuddled on the sofa together crying our eyes out. Just keep reminding yourself that your cat had a lovely life being loved, and would have been miserable being cooped up inside.


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Bubbles121 · 20/05/2018 21:22

Oh OP I'm so sorry for your loss. Nothing can make this heartbreaking time any less sad, but just hold on to the knowledge that if you had kept him in his life wouldn't have been nearly as full of happiness and love from his outside friends. All my thoughts are with you xxx

Ski37 · 20/05/2018 21:15

I’m so sorry x

Liz38 · 20/05/2018 21:12

I'm so sorry for your loss. Of my last pair, one was run over outside my house and now i have started again with another pair it's the thing that worries me the most. Bit it happened because you gave him the freedom to be a cat and I'm sure that will have made him a happy cat. I'm so sad for you, you will miss him dreadfully, but don't feel guilty. Flowers

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