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What age do cats stop growing?

3 replies

kittylover101 · 01/05/2018 16:35

Basically what the title reads, what age do kitty's too growing?

OP posts:
CatFlop · 01/05/2018 19:19

I've got the same question! My younger cat is about 14 months old and her body is really loooonnng (putting on a bit more bulk recently) but she still has quite a small head and kittenish face. Is that normal? She seems perfectly well but was the smallest of a rescue litter.

Allergictoironing · 01/05/2018 17:29

I think it depends to a degree on the cat, the breed & their past. Mine were 2 when I got them, but had a hard life before they were taken to the rescue. They've both definitely grown since then.

I know with horses the breed has a massive effect on growth. A Thoroughbred will be near enough fully mature at 2 years, whereas the heavier breeds tend to finish upwards growth at about 4 & can still be filling out for another year.

dementedpixie · 01/05/2018 17:17

They're considered adult at age 1 so maybe wouldn't get much bigger after that

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