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The litter tray

Where did your kittens sleep?

26 replies

missladybird · 09/11/2017 22:23

Is it cruel to leave a 9 week old kitten downstairs so that we don't get woken up by her or will she feel abandoned?

OP posts:
missladybird · 10/11/2017 18:09

Edie is home and currently relaxing in a cardboard box with an old baby blanket Smile I'm in love!

Where did your kittens sleep?
OP posts:
SilverSpot · 10/11/2017 11:23

Didn't get mine until 14 weeks but he slept downstairs at first but if he heard you get up and go to the tilet he woudl start crying :-( I used to let him up to my bed about 5 or 6 am when I got up for a week. Then I just started letting him up all night.

Now he gets shut downstairs if I need an uninterrupted nights sleep but most of the time is free to come and go in my room, he isn't too annoying but will jump on for a cuddle once or twice in the night and stands on my throat which is a bit of a nightmare.

cozietoesie · 10/11/2017 10:11

I’ve not squashed one yet. (And I’m a restless sleeper.) I think that it’s as Papergirl said. Your brain is aware that they’re there even in the deepest slumber. Smile

Marcine · 10/11/2017 09:47

At 9 weeks mine slept in a cardboard box in the kitchen - she cried the first night then was fine. From 12 weeks she slept on one of those radiator hammock beds.

Fluffycloudland77 · 10/11/2017 09:25

Ours slept locked in the kitchen with a dog bed & all things he needed provided.

He was 17 weeks though when we got him. He did cry the first night.

Papergirl1968 · 10/11/2017 08:47

Dcat slept downstairs for the first night or possibly two nights when he arrived as a 12 week old kitten. Then I took him to bed with the full intention of bringing him down when I’d finished reading. It didn’t happen...‭
I worried about squashing but you’re kind of aware they’re there.
Pics please!

missladybird · 10/11/2017 06:33

I'm worried I'll roll over and squash her if she sleeps with me but I don't think I'll be able to sleep knowing she's alone downstairs. I pick her up later, so excited I've woken up at 6.30 on my day off!

OP posts:
cozietoesie · 10/11/2017 00:36

They haven’t in my own experience, nightshade. If they’re caught short, they just get out of bed, use their tray and come back to bed.

Justbookedasummmerholiday · 09/11/2017 23:30

Dcat 1 on top bunk with dd 1 and dcat 2 on the bottom bunk with dd 2.
Still do 5 years later!
That's wot bedz is 4!!

nightshade · 09/11/2017 23:27

Will they go downstairs to a litter tray at that age garden geek?

Oops4 · 09/11/2017 23:24

When ours were kittens we foolsihly decided our bedroom was the safest place for them to sleep. It probably would have been had they actually slept but instead they woke up into manic night time fiends! We have a brother and a sister, they were up blinds, in wardrobes, digging to Australia in the litter tray, wrestling on on our pillows, biting feet etc etc etc . I honestly got more sleep with my new borns! Any future kittens will be shut in the furthest away room from ours! (Saying that they do get sleep very nicely snuggled up on our bed 😊)

kirinm · 09/11/2017 23:18

She’s far from a kitten (she’s nearly 10) but she likes to be close and always has been.

Where did your kittens sleep?
GardenGeek · 09/11/2017 23:17

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GardenGeek · 09/11/2017 23:15

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caoraich · 09/11/2017 23:14

We managed one night of trapping them downstairs when the first kittens came home. They cried all night.

From then on all cats have slept on cushions at the end of the bed - luckily I'm a shortarse!

nightshade · 09/11/2017 23:14

Do they not pee and poo on you?

I have a cat 2 yes when 5 months and already litter trained...and a stupid dog...

Would love a kitten but only experience of dealing with puppies..

Katanna · 09/11/2017 23:09

Mine have all slept with me and dp or the dcs

Sentimentallentil · 09/11/2017 23:07

In my bed.

AlexaAmbidextra · 09/11/2017 22:45

Oh need you ask? Snuggled up with me of course. Every one of 'em for the past 45 years. Grin

cozietoesie · 09/11/2017 22:45

In bed with me. Smile

GrabbyMcGrabby · 09/11/2017 22:38

Mine sleeps in kitchen too overnight, but he gets lots of love and cuddles throughout the day. Mine is 9 weeks old too. I think they sleep 20 hours out of 24 at this age. Depends. Does your kitty seem distressed? Mine is ok with arrangement.

CrabappleCake · 09/11/2017 22:34

Downstairs, but there was two of them.

Doesn't seem to have damaged them unduly.


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hopeful31yrs · 09/11/2017 22:34

Grin yep. On top of you somewhere

NeopreneMermaid · 09/11/2017 22:33

My two sleep on the sofa downstairs. They're not allowed in bedrooms.

redcaryellowcar · 09/11/2017 22:30

My last kittens slept curled up on my pillow. They were sisters and beautiful.

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