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Failed fosterer...!

27 replies

ittybittyluna · 25/09/2016 19:30

After fostering about nine cats over the last year we have become failed last. Our beautiful Sir Humphrey is the grumpiest cat we've had, lazy, greedy, vet hating, and one-eyed, but he has had such a hard life that we felt his journey should stop with us.

He was booted out of his home when his owner got pregnant. With nowhere to go (and clearly used to the high life) he was not streetwise, and was chased and beaten until a lady took him in. He's ended up with us, and due to an untreated eye infection, he recently had to have it removed. He has been so depressed wearing the horrible cone, but now it has been removed, he is returning to his old self.

So here he is Smile

Failed fosterer...!
Failed fosterer...!
OP posts:
RubbishMantra · 03/10/2016 19:23

I was going to say that, Soup, but you beat me to it!

He is a very handsome cat, just so sad that some people think of animals as 'things/possessions, to be tossed away when no longer needed.

SoupDragon · 01/10/2016 12:42

His tail looks like he has a fluffy duster attached to it!

He's gorgeous :)

cozietoesie · 01/10/2016 12:39

He looks as though he knows he's home.

Lord of all he surveys. Smile

Wolfiefan · 01/10/2016 10:05

He is truly magnificent. Gorgeous boy. And having fostered so many you have perfect training to be his slave!

MargotLovedTom · 01/10/2016 09:59

Oh, he is a stunning cat. Hope he adjusts to a one eyed life without too much difficulty.

Threetoedsloth · 01/10/2016 09:56

Goodness me what a handsome boy he is. His story made my eyes leak. How lovely that he's got his happy ending. Snivels

PosiePootlePerkins · 01/10/2016 07:43

Lovely. He looks very pleased with life!

winchesterfan · 01/10/2016 07:20

He's beautiful!

iloveeverykindofcat · 01/10/2016 07:03


ittybittyluna · 30/09/2016 22:44

And my favourite...

Failed fosterer...!
OP posts:
ittybittyluna · 30/09/2016 22:41

Just a little update as he settles into life with us ☺️

Failed fosterer...!
Failed fosterer...!
Failed fosterer...!
OP posts:
iloveeverykindofcat · 27/09/2016 07:41

I can see the lion in him Grin
He's lovely though, thank you for keeping him.

PosiePootlePerkins · 25/09/2016 22:07

Ah he is a handsome chap! I'm pleased you've taken him in, lucky boy.

ittybittyluna · 25/09/2016 21:48

He's our little apricot puff just don't get too close or the lion comes out

Cozie he is well known at the vets, they all ask after him. I dread to think how badly behaved he was for them - I think they all decided that no one wanted to risk his claws and teeth again, so dissolvable stitches it was Wink

OP posts:
passthewineplz · 25/09/2016 21:14

He's beautiful, he's a lovely colour.

cozietoesie · 25/09/2016 21:12

PS - 8 years old is prime of life! Smile

Toddlerteaplease · 25/09/2016 21:11

He looks like a mini lion, not a domestic moggie!

cozietoesie · 25/09/2016 21:11

Dissolvable stitches. Excellent. Smile

PolterGoose · 25/09/2016 21:09

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

ittybittyluna · 25/09/2016 20:57

He was supposed to have the stitches out on Friday but he attacked the vet! They knew this before his surgery, and used thankfully dissolvable stitches. He did really badly under anaesthetic and we are loathe to put him through it again if we can help it. Apparently he is closer to eight years old rather than three (which is what we were told) so is getting on in years.

OP posts:
Jellybean83 · 25/09/2016 20:43

Beautiful! I usually don't like to see people fail but I'm glad you have. I'm sure he'll be so happy in his new home.

FuzzyWizard · 25/09/2016 20:30

He's lovely! I do love a good toe floof!


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cozietoesie · 25/09/2016 20:16

When does he have his stitches out?

cozietoesie · 25/09/2016 20:15

Ah well. Good on Sir Humphrey. Smile

ittybittyluna · 25/09/2016 19:53

Oh, and toe floofs!

Failed fosterer...!
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