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How often do you clean your cat's teeth?

29 replies

Allinafankle · 23/09/2016 19:14

We don't. And no-one I know does either, including someone who runs a cat charity, but we got told off by our vet st the weekend for not doing it. Little man apparently has a touch of gingivitis and now I feel rotten.
If you do it, was it easy to get your cat used to it? I can't see it going down too well with him!

OP posts:
ageingrunner · 25/09/2016 01:41

I can't imagine I'd get a very positive response to an attempted tooth-clean. I certainly can't think that she'd allow it more than once

hollinhurst84 · 25/09/2016 01:33

On the back of this thread I attempted to brush Ollie's Grin well I was bored and I've played buckaroo with him too much
He looked slightly bemused, blinked at me and opened his mouth with me going "brush your peggies!"
Stable cat on the other hand... Hahahahahahaha. No. Not a hope in hell. She cleans her teeth on the bones of her victims

Allinafankle · 24/09/2016 20:38

Ha ha ButteredToast I did wonder, especially when she then struggled to get him back in his carrier!

OP posts:
ButteredToastAndStrawberryJam · 24/09/2016 18:59

Has the vet ever met a cat Confused

GardenGeek · 24/09/2016 18:45

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

MyNewBearTotoro · 24/09/2016 18:31

Never, but I give my cat dry food in addition to wet food daily as dry food is meant to help keep teeth cleaner.

MissBattleaxe · 24/09/2016 18:13

I couldn't brush my cat's teeth. They won't allow me to use free will or do anything they don't agree with. I do, however, wish they would at least try a bloody Polo from time to time. The breath!

WeirdAndPissedOff · 24/09/2016 18:12

It does seem odd your vet telling you off for that. Ours tells us off for using wet food instead, though. Blush
I have heard it is recommended to brush cats' teeth, but don't know anyone who would dare try it!

In saying that, I did buy a toothbrush and paste about 2 months ago to try on one of ours - supposedly if you take baby steps you can gradually get them used to it. But as of now it is still in the packaging, and will probably remain there as even if I could somehow not lose my hand doing it, I can't imagine trying to pin down and brush the teeth of 5 cats every single day!

And as a pp said most cats are somewhat sensitive over their mouths anyway. When we've had dental problems or swollen lips before, I haven't even been able to get a proper look!

So I wouldn't feel bad over not brushing.
If you ever did want to, though, you can find guides online as to how to get your cat used to it. And then you can update us with your progress/battle scars

WalkerBait · 24/09/2016 18:11

Rosie already gives me the 'don't you dare' look I can just imagine going near her with a toothbrush.

How often do you clean your cat's teeth?
RiverTam · 24/09/2016 18:07

Never. Semi-feral cats here, they would rip your arm off!

dementedma · 24/09/2016 18:01

Never. Value my life too much

problembottom · 24/09/2016 17:58

I run a plaque wipe over my cat's teeth daily after the vet said he was prone to gingivitis. I had no idea cats had their teeth cleaned either! He tolerates it as he gets a Dreamie afterwards.

Makes me laugh when I think back to my cat growing up who never had her teeth cleaned or fur groomed, drank a saucer of milk a day, snacked on cube of mature cheddar cheese and ate copious amounts of Whiskas tins and biscuits. She lived to a ripe old age.

Vinorosso74 · 23/09/2016 22:32

I have never cleaned a cat's teeth nor has a vet ever told me off for not doing so. Vinocat has lots of things wrong with her but every vet she has seen has remarked on her good teeth. So at least something is ok!

Allinafankle · 23/09/2016 19:53

I do fear for my fingers should I decide to have a go!

OP posts:
yeOldeTrout · 23/09/2016 19:50

Vet says our cats' teeth are good, so never mentioned any need to clean (phew). I suppose with the help of several DC to contain all claws, one of the teenagers might enjoy a bit of cat sadism.

cozietoesie · 23/09/2016 19:34

I actually bought a cat toothbrush and toothpaste once. (It went in the bin long ago.) In its favour, I suppose it might make cats less 'mouth-sensitive' - most of my cats have gone bananas if you tried to look inside their mouth.

HyacinthBouquetNo1 · 23/09/2016 19:31

Well if i enjoyed looking like i had just had a mauling from a puma, i might give it a go! GrinBut no i have never cleaned my cats teeth, they wouldnt let me. They eat james wellbeloved biscuits and are 12 and 11 and the vet always says they have lovely teeth.

Yawnyawnallday · 23/09/2016 19:24

I think some cats are more prone to tooth trouble than others. That said, I had sister cats one had to have a couple of teeth pulled and the other had no trouble- they were lovely moggies so can't say if one breed is more prone than others.

Allinafankle · 23/09/2016 19:24

Well that makes me feel better, thanks all! It's my normal vet's surgery but not the vet I normally see. He has dry food once a day. It honestly never crossed my mind to do it - it's not as if you see wild cats brushing and flossing is it?! Grin

OP posts:
cozietoesie · 23/09/2016 19:22


(Sorry - I was laughing too hard.)

cozietoesie · 23/09/2016 19:21

Well you can do it. In fact, some people swear by it. The motion of being told off for not cleaning them is a little odd however.

MissLadyM · 23/09/2016 19:21

I feed my cats dry food only which helps and I use a toothpaste which is easy - no brushing. I just put a blob on their paw once a week and they lick it off. It contains enzymes so you don't need to brush. I've never met anyone who actually uses a brush to clean them


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Yawnyawnallday · 23/09/2016 19:20

If I remember I give her some stuff to lick off my finger that is supposed to be good for dental health. I would stick a toothbrush thing in her mouth NEVER.

Teamoaktree · 23/09/2016 19:19

How bizarre

Mybeardeddragonjustdied2016 · 23/09/2016 19:18

Every morning when they get out of their bunk beds.
And every night after supper but before their story.

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