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The litter tray

Got the kittens - not sure how I feel about the whole thing now...

80 replies

FindMyLocalSite · 19/06/2016 07:54

I have NC because if I get slated I can disappear.

After years and years of daily begging by the DC, we have got two kittens from a rescue centre. They came on Friday, they are 10 weeks old.

I was always a bit ambivalent about the whole cat situation. I feel a bit 'meh' about cats; even though I am an animal lover, I have never felt a desire to own one or live with one.

Anyway. I researched for months, if not years, and when we felt the time was as right as it was ever going to be, we went for it. This has been a long process of research, visiting rescues, registering with them and finally waiting for 10 weeks once we knew two orphan kittens had been allocated to us.

The two kittens, a boy and a girl, came home Friday evening. They slept through the night in their open travel crate (by choice, they have several bed choices). In the morning I opened a pouch of wet food and the smell of it made me feel sick. Later on they both used the litter tray and the smell brought tears to my eyes. I went out shopping and when approaching my house, I started dreading the smell of cats, cat food and cat litter in my house.

I then started mentally resenting the cost and aggravation of owning cats. The extra planning and expense it will involve when we go on holiday...

I am having a bit of an inward panic.

Is this normal? Is this because they're too new and too little for me to have bonded to the point where no effort is too much for the little kittens and then cats? Don't get me wrong, they already live like royalty, we take care of them and the DC are smitten. But I want to love them. Will that happen with time?

OP posts:
PinkSparklyPussyCat · 23/06/2016 10:53

To be honest catbasilio, it sounds as if everyone might be happier if you rehomed him. He's getting very little interaction and you all seem to resent him.

Personally I love the very bones of my cat and would do anything for him but I do understand that not everyone is like that.

If you do decide to rehome him, please don't offer him for sale on the internet.

catbasilio · 22/06/2016 13:12

RubbishMantra I think the point is not how much I spend (I prefer the best quality - and by the way cat care would beat all the savings from cheaper cat food/litter) but that I am not particularly keen on my cat. I can barely find 10 mins for him. The children help but they aren't mad about him either. He is just there.. and we are there... so is there a point of having him? I am drawing to a conclusion that he may be happier in another home where he could get more attention and cuddles. He really is a good cat but I simply lack time to make him my priority.
I guess sometimes you just fall in love with a pet and nothing else matters. In our case it didn't happen! And even more so, I am ready to keep the cat for the sake of my kids, but when we calculated the annual expenses (almost £800-1000 per year) even DC1 said it seems a bit too much and we could do without him. I don't know whether DC1 is just picking upon my moods but I was surprised that even DC1 is not so attached to the cat.
To add to the doubt, we do not allow the cat into bedrooms - I have an aupair so I cannot sleep with the bedroom door open, and DC1 doesn't like that the cat bites his head at night (wants to play).
Oh overall it just does not seem rewarding emotionally at all.. just another thing to take care of.
I am really sad that it worked out this way but now seriously considering to rehome the cat.

imjessie · 22/06/2016 12:38

Catsan is the best litter in my opinion .

WhoKnowsWhereTheTimeG0es · 22/06/2016 11:59

I'm a bit the same Catbasilio, they bring a lot of happiness to DH and the DCs but not so much me. I'm fond of ours but that's all.

RubbishMantra · 22/06/2016 11:04

That's quite sad catbasilio. My 2 lads give me so much happiness.

That said, I wouldn't be happy if someone "encouraged" me to have a dog, which happened recently - ie, "You've got to get a dog!" I stood firm, and am dogless.

You're giving him shelter, warmth, kindness and food though, despite your ambivalence. And as you say, you're a busy mum, so the feeding, cleaning of litter trays can seem like yet another chore. Could you delegate this stuff to DCs?

Have a look on Zooplus for cheaper (and better quality) cat food and litter.

catbasilio · 21/06/2016 23:02

OP I am not a natural cat person either and got my cat under similar circumstances to yours. I sorted everything out to the best standard (food litter etc) but almost a year on I am still not mad about my cat.
Coupled with the expenses (especially cat care when going away!) and busy life of a single mum I slightly regret the decision to get the cat.
I have not become a cat person. He is sweet and beautiful and still I sometimes dream that he ran away and a mad cat lady took him in.

WhoKnowsWhereTheTimeG0es · 21/06/2016 14:22

I have to differ, we use Cat's best and it stinks for a while, but that's because my two don't bury their poos. The smell does go though, if they use the trays when we're out you don't smell it when you come home. It does absorb the smell of wee though.

thecatneuterer · 21/06/2016 14:21

I haven't read the whole thread but have to agree with Elegantdream - dried food is not better for the cats! In male cats particularly it can be positively dangerous. Cheap dried food (Wiskas, Go Cat) is a major cause of crystals in the urine and consequently blocked bladders, which kill a lot of male cats.

Even the quality dried food isn't as good as wet food when it comes to urinary tract health.

I also agree that Butchers Classic tins are a good option.

NeedACleverNN · 21/06/2016 14:11

The best cat litter you will ever buy is

Cats best OKO plus

It tracks a little bit but there is NO smell

stumblymonkey · 21/06/2016 13:50

Will you have a cat flap once they are neutered and vaccinated?

If so, they will go outside to do their business so they will only use the litter tray for occasional desperate measures...

My parents have always had cats and don't have a cat flap but let their cats out as and when needed...they hardly ever use the litter tray either.

gingerboy1912 · 21/06/2016 13:39

Yep the smell will go. Or you will get so used to it you won't smell it

frostyfingers · 21/06/2016 12:16

My cat will only eat dry food, we have tried endless brands and varieties and he won't touch any of them. He won't eat fresh cooked food either - he's one strange kitty!

3amEternal · 21/06/2016 07:09

The smell does go. I remember the first months when the house would stink every time they went in the tray. Never had so many scented candles on the go. Kittens are really farty and can be loose. Now they are older their poo is very firm and most days I don't even know they've been unless I see it.

FindMyLocalSite · 20/06/2016 22:11

I feel so much better thank you. I keep reading this thread over and over to make sure I absorb all the info and advice. It is lovely to see the kittens' personalities blossom, they are very affectionate. The worst thing for me right now is the way my house smells when I open the door. That makes my heart sink a bit if I'm honest.

The kittens sleep so much and they are quiet throughout the night. I guess that will change when they're a little older and they want to spend more time with us?

OP posts:
gingerboy1912 · 20/06/2016 21:03

How are you feeling today op?

RubbishMantra · 20/06/2016 11:59

*Gratuitous photographs of my boys.

MCat is the debonair black & white, the one who looks like a semi-plucked chicken is Little Monsieur, when he was about 5 months. (He's a Devon Rex, so they go through periods of baldness) He now has beautiful curls.

Got the kittens - not sure how I feel about the whole thing now...
Got the kittens - not sure how I feel about the whole thing now...
RubbishMantra · 20/06/2016 11:30

Wait until the morning when you wake up to one of them snuggled up to you. Little Monsieur rarely comes to bed with me, but when I wake up, there he is, hogging 2 thirds of the bed. MCat prefers the end of the bed, so he can keep an eye on the birds outside the window.

Ooh, just remembered, most cats can't resist a big paper bag. If it has string handles, just snip through them. They'll climb into it, run around with it stick on their heads and leap on it to make a satisfying scrunch noise.

DontOpenDeadInside · 20/06/2016 07:24

Sorry, but can I also out point that you're not really meant to flush cat poo either as it can carry toxoplasmosis which can harm marine life and otters.

WhoKnowsWhereTheTimeG0es · 19/06/2016 21:53

Another one agreeing about Cat's Best litter, we just carry the tray through to the loo and scoop poos and clumps straight into the loo. A big bag lasts ages.

TheCatWhat · 19/06/2016 20:38

I really thought we'd made a mistake getting our kitten. But for me the biggest issue was the crying in the early morning. I really thought lie ins would never happen again. But now he is a bit older it is so much better. He doesn't cry until he hears us get up. And he often pops into bed with us for a little doze :)

FindMyLocalSite · 19/06/2016 20:09

You lot are amazing. Thank you. I have already had a better day with them than yesterday, so I think you're all right, it is just the panic of the first day... I will try the worlds best litter many of you have recommended. Will I just mix it up with their existing litter initially?

The kittens purr constantly when we are around them so I guess that means they're happy. They don't necessarily want us cuddling them and handling them and yesterday they were happier to play than today. Today they have wanted to be left alone for most of the time.

One of them got a catnip little mouse toy in his mouth and growled at the other cat quite aggressively. I think he's the dominant of the two. He likes wet food, dry food and the white fish I have cooked them.. The girl only likes the dry food and the fish.

I am going to study all the links you have posted. thanks again.

OP posts:
PuppyMonkey · 19/06/2016 17:44

World's Best Cat litter and dry food and you'll be laughing.


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WeirdAndPissedOff · 19/06/2016 17:21

I always found Royal Canin really stinky! Though it's a "better" brand than what we currently use. The litter tray you get used to - depends on the cat as one of ours really stinks, .and he never covers it properly. The others you don't really notice until the litter tray gets a little dirtier.

I've never found the best solution re dried or wet. Dry is better for teeth, wet is better for kidneys.
I think dry is more convenient for the owners (less dirty, less smelly and can be left out for longer).

RubbishMantra · 19/06/2016 16:57

Just a thought, did the rescue centre allow you to visit them much, and get to bond with them a bit before they came to live with you?

RubbishMantra · 19/06/2016 16:52

Yes, Hey, that sadface and air of deprivation and disappointment when they can see the bottom of the bowl...

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