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The litter tray

Poorly cat, worried about him

54 replies

PinkSparklyPussyCat · 11/01/2016 10:26

H is going to the vet this morning as he's not well. Last night he was coughing as though he had something stuck in his throat but he seemed alright so we didn't worry. This morning he disappeared for a while and since he has come home he's been coughing and is lethargic. DH is taking him to the vet and I am meeting them there. To say I'm worried is an understatement - H is never ill and has hardly been to the vet (other than jabs) since we've had him.

Fingers crossed it's nothing major...

OP posts:
cozietoesie · 03/02/2016 10:32
cozietoesie · 03/02/2016 10:36

PS - How is the lad doing?

PinkSparklyPussyCat · 03/02/2016 16:49

He's not too bad thanks Cozie. He's having a few crunchy biscuits now and then but I think it must still hurt him to eat (not surprisingly) but he's back on the tuna again. We're letting him out when one of us is at home but he doesn't really seem that bothered about going out, I think his confidence has taken a knock. He's booked in to be 'unwired' on 23rd February so I might stop worrying quite so much then!

OP posts:
cozietoesie · 03/02/2016 19:17

At least having those options will hopefully prevent him getting a 'thing' about them. I wouldn't be feeling 100% with a wired jaw so I'm not surprised if he's a little douce.

Good luck to him on the 23rd.

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