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The litter tray

Just moved house, cats locked in and I feel so sorry for them

2 replies

MummaGiles · 24/11/2015 21:14

We moved on Friday and the cats moved in on Saturday after we collected them from the cattery. I feel so bad for them being locked in. One seems fairly relaxed but the other I'm not so sure. The poor little things are going to be locked in for ages yet - probably until next Friday. And I'm so nervous about letting them out for the first time. Any positive tales about moving with cats, please?

OP posts:
Queenofthealley · 25/11/2015 07:01

Spoil them - would they like a piece of string or even a torch beam to chase?

cozietoesie · 24/11/2015 21:26


I actually used to go on UK holiday with Twoago! (Different hotel room every night.) He was absolutely fine as long as he had me and his litter tray. Smile

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