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What/Who else can i try to urgently re-home my cat?

27 replies

BibiBlocksbergv2 · 02/08/2015 16:31

My life has turned into a somewhat chaotic mess of late and I really need to re-home my cat asap.

Had to leave where I was living at very short notice three weeks ago.

Staying with a friend but cannot have animals here so had to leave cat in old neighbourhood.

She was spending a lot time with a family down the road from my old place & they were happy to feed & let her sleep on their sofa but they moved house themselves two weeks ago.

Have put cat on waiting list with all local cats protection/Rspca/small independent rescues in my area (all full) put ad on gumtree and have/am asking everyone I can if they might at least offer her a temporary home but no luck.

Neither the cat or I can go on like this, she's forced to live outside, alone, I'm running from one end of town to the other twice a day to feed her (more at weekends) Breaks my heart to have to leave her there each time.

Does anyone have any experience with this sort of thing?

Is there anything else I could/should be doing to end this ridiculous situation?

OP posts:
Fluffycloudland77 · 18/08/2015 21:40

Im so pleased for you. Sad but a weight off your mind.

One day you can have more cats.

BibiBlocksberg · 18/08/2015 21:03

Just wanted to update on my 'saga' - just back from dropping Smudge off at her new home earlier.

Seems she's fallen right on her paws this time - she's now living with a pensioner who lost his wife last year, loves cats and needs a bit of company around the house.

A man all to herself at last with no other cats around - best of all, he's home all day & has nothing but time to sit and provide a suitably warm and adoring lap :) :)

The mans son contacted me on gumtree last sunday and she moved in tonight. Nice house, safe area as well.

Really weird leaving her though, felt like she'd died on the way home without her, it's the right thing/environment for her but still sad to lose her.

Just me and 'little lord fontleroy' now (pic attached) we'll both be moving to our own little annexe home at the beginning of next month so all sorted.

Thanks again for all your offers of help & advice!

Wine o'clock for me now think :)

What/Who else can i try to urgently re-home my cat?
fenneltea · 07/08/2015 08:44

I know you've probably tried most of these, but there's a list here of rescues that might be useful,

I'd also try putting a post on that website in case anyone can help.

Fingers crossed she gets placed soon.

BibiBlocksbergv2 · 06/08/2015 22:39

Just wanted to thank you all for your kind thoughts & messages, am a bit slow in responding as running around like a headless chicken trying to sort cat & my accomodation etc.

Tried the vets, met with shrugged shoulders and a 'nothing other we know of than what you're already doing'

Still making a nuisance of myself at cats protection (big homing centre near my work so i pop in every other day so they don't forget us)

Nearly had a row with the guy in there as he's refusing to give me an update on where she is in the queue - when she joined the waiting list they told me she was 10th in the line - all i want to know is, where is she now in the queue?

Seems it's impossible for them to answer that, apparently i can't have another update for two weeks. Which sounds to me like 'stop bothering us for at least a fortnight, at which point we'll fob you off again'

Grrrrr.....i know, not their fault, they're overrun as well, just frustrating.

Well, i shall end the rant here, thank you again & leave you with some pictures of her loveliness :)

What/Who else can i try to urgently re-home my cat?
What/Who else can i try to urgently re-home my cat?
What/Who else can i try to urgently re-home my cat?
OP posts:
roseandgrey · 06/08/2015 15:36

I've sent you a message OP x

Fluffycloudland77 · 06/08/2015 15:32
Rosesareblack · 06/08/2015 14:46

I have sent you a message.

fenneltea · 06/08/2015 12:56

Actually I think pts is a very valid thing to do in these circumstances, there are certainly fates worse than death and euthanasia is a way to prevent suffering down the line. I'd far rather mine were safely pts than chucked out if anything were to happen to me.

Op - I really hope you manage to get sorted with a home, hopefully the cats protection will be able to help at some point.

kinkytoes · 02/08/2015 20:33

Whoever suggested putting the cat to sleep - what a horrid thing to say. Not the cat's fault it's in this situation, why should it die because of human failings?

It's summertime at least so living outdoors is not too awful at the moment. The worst thing is OP having to travel to feed it. Would none of your old neighbours take this task on for you OP? Even for a few days so you get a break?

You have my sympathies, this must be really tough on you. Good luck with the Facebook appeal. Check out any new owner is genuine though. You owe your cat that much.

BibiBlocksbergv2 · 02/08/2015 20:26

Fluffycouldland77 - yes, i have, several times, they keep saying she's on their waiting list then they're full every time I chase them up, never heard back from them.

OP posts:
Fluffycloudland77 · 02/08/2015 18:27

Have you tried Margaret Green animal rescue?.

BibiBlocksbergv2 · 02/08/2015 17:40

Thanks again all, off to try Facebook now.

OP posts:
scatterthenuns · 02/08/2015 17:02

If I was close by I'd have had her until she found a new home. Such a shame. There must be someone willing to have her short term - local FB groups?

ItWillWash · 02/08/2015 17:00

Sorry, I don't know anyone in your area. Good luck, I hope you find a solution soon.

BibiBlocksbergv2 · 02/08/2015 16:58

Oh yes, forgot to add where i am - Dorset (Poole/Bournemouth)

OP posts:
OneDayWhenIGrowUp · 02/08/2015 16:56

Is there a local pets facebook group? Where I live there's a few and if someone posted this kind of thing on there someone would probably step in even if only temporarily

pinktrufflechoc · 02/08/2015 16:49

Yes, where are you based OP? Smile

GallopingFoxley · 02/08/2015 16:48

Maybe post what area you're in so that people might be better placed to offer suggestions?

BibiBlocksbergv2 · 02/08/2015 16:46

Thank You all, have thought about cattery but not an option sadly both for affordability & time scale. Cats Protection tell me she's 10th on the list could be another 6 weeks wait at the earliest.

Spoke to all the neighbours in the old area (cat has a habit of going into peoples gardens & sneaking through open windows) so most knew her anyway.

No luck, her best chance was the family she befriended but they didn't want her full-time.

Hadn't thought of asking at the vets, great idea, will do that tomorrow.

OP posts:
mugglingalong · 02/08/2015 16:45

I'm guessing that cattery would be too expensive for someone who is also homeless themselves and likely to be full at this time of year.

Facebook friends maybe? Leafleting is a good idea. Would any other neighbours be willing to put food out for the cat?

Fluffycloudland77 · 02/08/2015 16:44

I'd get her off gumtree, you don't want her being dog bait.

If it's as hopeless as it sounds I'd put her to sleep. I don't say that lightly either.

MissBattleaxe · 02/08/2015 16:42

Catteries cost a lot of money and it doesn't sound like the OP has that.


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OneDayWhenIGrowUp · 02/08/2015 16:40

Definitely get her into a cattery asap. Although August is a very busy month for them too.

Where are you?

ItWillWash · 02/08/2015 16:40

I'm guessing if OP had the money to pay a cattery, she'd have money to find herself a place to live.

OP have you tried smaller rescues? If you explain the situation they may have a fosterer in place to take on emergencies. Have you tried local vet practises?

Where are you (roughly)?

ShipwreckedAndComatose · 02/08/2015 16:39

Have you tried contacting the vets for any advice? They may know of other options in your area for rehoming

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