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I know it's very soon, but I have a new cat and wanted to share.

77 replies

JonSnowKnowsNothing · 15/04/2014 10:43

You were so lovely when my beloved Millie died last week.
I decided to go and see a cat today as the owner was moving and couldn't take him with her. I went with an open mind, prepared to say no if it didn't feel right. (Thanks to Mignonette for sharing her story about this - I kept it in mind.)
So, I got there, sat down and this beautiful dainty pure white cat sniffed at me, then leapt onto my knees, climbed up my chest and went in for full kiss on the lips! He head butted me, licked my nose and face and quite simply I knew he was perfect.
He didn't make a peep the whole way home (a novelty for me!) and is happily in my spare room under bed. I'm on the floor tapping away on iPad and he keeps popping out for a stroke then retreating.
He's beautiful. I will take a better pic when he's more settled...

I know it's very soon, but I have a new cat and wanted to share.
OP posts:
cozietoesie · 17/04/2014 14:17

Scabbers is already in residence which is a hole ace for him - but yes, it sounds promising. Snowy eating well is also pretty good because it sounds as if he's now relaxing. I'd try not to push them too much though - even though I know you'd like them to be chums as soon as.

Well done the pair, anyway.


Fluffycloudland77 · 17/04/2014 16:50

It's going so well. I'm really pleased for you. I mn when I have a day off too.

JonSnowKnowsNothing · 18/04/2014 01:45

Thanks fluffy and Cozie!
They've been separate all evening and now ive to bed and have a friend crashing on the sofa they've both just got to be upstairs.
Luckily, when I went into my room there was simply a tentative nose bump and they went their separate ways. Actually, I think they're both in the spare room, I'm going to check it out!

OP posts:
cozietoesie · 18/04/2014 07:34

It sounds very positive. Voluntarily going their separate ways is no bad thing - it shows they're pretty relaxed about leaving the other one to do what they will.

Keep us informed of progress?

ThistledownAndCobweb · 18/04/2014 09:00

It's lovely to read your updates.
As a mad cat woman in training I worry about introducing a new cat into the gang.
My newest boy is recovering (was a stray in a bit of a sorry state) so on vets orders he is confined but the others haves met him and so far it seems to be going ok.
My lovely girl who arrived in october as a tiny, bedraggled, scrawny scared little scrap now thinks she owns the house and (IMO) is an absolute beauty. DH is her devoted slave and we can't imagine life without her.

JonSnowKnowsNothing · 19/04/2014 11:53

Wow - how many do you have Thistledown? And isn't it nice to see their little personalities shine through? Snowy has put on full charm for everyone who's been round this week, with lots of kisses and head bumps. It's fine with him and Scabbers now. He's out most of the day but pops home mid morning just to check on us. I've just managed to catch these pictures a few minutes ago. Snow really doesn't help himself - the sight of Scabby's dangling tail was too much temptation for him!!! Grin

I know it's very soon, but I have a new cat and wanted to share.
I know it's very soon, but I have a new cat and wanted to share.
OP posts:
cozietoesie · 19/04/2014 12:11

Oh they look fine together now.


(Scabbers has become such a big handsome boy!)

JonSnowKnowsNothing · 19/04/2014 12:54

Thanks Cozie! Hasn't he just??
And just last year he was this!!! (Yes I'm a saddo who uses her daily picture upload limit on kitty pics!)

I know it's very soon, but I have a new cat and wanted to share.
OP posts:
cozietoesie · 19/04/2014 13:05

I remember - and how he was named as well! (Does the vet actually call that out in the waiting room now or are they still tactful?)

I have to admit that they're doing well more quickly than I thought they would - note to self: 'Never try to second guess a cat'. Your good instinct on taking Snowy on directly seems to have paid off - it looks (even if only from a couple of photos) as if Scabbers is to be boss cat and Snowy is going to be his devoted wingman.

JonSnowKnowsNothing · 19/04/2014 13:15

Haha! The vet always sniggers when I ring up but they're tactful enough to just nod me through now! Grin

I think it helps that Scabbers goes out all day so he has only had to deal with Snowy in small doses. And it was really interesting to see the balance of power change. Snowy was much the hissier one initially whereas Scabbers just kept looking at me as if to say "Mummy, why have you done this??" There hasn't been a scrap of physical nastiness though. (Excpet when Scabbers cuffed Snowy for pulling his tail!) But you're right, Scabbers is definitely the main man.

I'm lucky that I've been off all week so I've really got to know Snowy and monitor their interaction. Also, the second I met Snowy I could see he was a cat with a lovely temperament, which massively helped. He's strikingly similar to Millie in many ways.

I've been shutting Snowy in his room over night but might try a doors open night tonight. Seriously doubt Snowy will be allowed to rise to the rank of "Mum's Bed Sleeper" at this early stage though! Grin

OP posts:
cozietoesie · 19/04/2014 13:26

Heard that one before!Wink

ThistledownAndCobweb · 19/04/2014 15:56

What a beautiful pair of boys.

I'm so glad they're settling in together.
We only have four cats at the moment. At one point we had nine. They're all rescues or strays who have chosen us. We had to have our beautiful ginger boy (looked a lot like yr gorgeous Scabbers) pts last month. I still miss him as he was a real character.

JonSnowKnowsNothing · 19/04/2014 16:39

Nine? Wow! And four is still pretty cool. I would LOVE to have that many, and I know they'd have a happy existence here (very rural, lots of farmland) but realistically I can't afford that amount of food/insurance.

OP posts:
ThistledownAndCobweb · 19/04/2014 17:45

Mmmm, don't mention the vet bills.
We've agreed that 4 cats and 2 dogs is the most we will have (barring emergencies and needy strays)

JonSnowKnowsNothing · 20/04/2014 17:37

Last update on this thread. Very happy Easter Sunday!

I know it's very soon, but I have a new cat and wanted to share.
OP posts:
cozietoesie · 20/04/2014 17:42

Sharing a food bowl even! (They look pretty companionable.)

Fluffycloudland77 · 20/04/2014 17:44

You update as much as you like. They're so handsome.

Corygal · 20/04/2014 18:11

Many congratulations on the divine duo! They both look so happy and pleased with themselves.

The pix have made mine and Mr Cory's day, as we rest on the sofa eating roast turkey.

Wordsaremything · 20/04/2014 18:22

He's stunning! So happy for you!

crazynanna · 20/04/2014 18:26

Ooooh I so want another beauty! Sad

My girl just would not have any of it.

She is so bloody entitled.

I would love to add to our family

Fluffycloudland77 · 20/04/2014 18:46

Poppy's enough though isn't she? She wants you all to herself.

JonSnowKnowsNothing · 20/04/2014 18:57

Sorry - didn't mean that to sound so "final," just didn't want to piss anyone off with constant updates, as I have been this week! Grin

Thanks for being lovely, all of you - it warmed my heart to see them eating together. (Admittedly Scabbers had scoffed his own tea and decided to hone in on the rather more dainty Snowy's meal!)

Crazynana is it definitely out of the question?? Is your girl very settled?

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cozietoesie · 20/04/2014 19:00

Well that's no bad thing - it means he wasn't too hungry so he wasn't muscling in in an aggressive way. (Watch his weight though!)

I like the updates - you're certainly not pissing me off. Smile

crazynanna · 20/04/2014 19:37

I have never tried JonSnow but the way she spits and growls at any feline who dare pass the window sort of tells me it's a no no.
Fluffy is right. Poppy is a one cat human owner

cozietoesie · 20/04/2014 19:45

Seniorboy is the same - detests other cats. JonSnow was very fortunate with Scabbers and Snowy.

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