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Getting Flea and Worm treatment online

26 replies

Sparklingbrook · 20/01/2014 18:12

Anyone do this? My vets charge £7+ for one pipette of Advocate, and i wanted to look into getting it cheaper. Do all the online companies need a prescription?

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Sparklingbrook · 20/01/2014 20:00

I can never believe how much liquid is contained in such a teeny pipette. Grin

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cozietoesie · 20/01/2014 19:59

I part the fur and burrow down with the little pipette's nozzle before squeezing. Seems to work.

If there might be new product coming, sparkling, maybe get a prescription now if needed and see what next year's Plan is? There's bound to be one although prices might change according to what's needed. (I should imagine that the Golden Bullet will be charged at an ........ appropriate........ price, to reflect the single product solution and research costs.)

Sparklingbrook · 20/01/2014 19:53

We try and do a two person attack, while she is asleep. DH parts the fur and I do the squeeze. Grin

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Lonecatwithkitten · 20/01/2014 19:49

Most on the skin is fine, if your really struggling clipping a patch of hair can help.

Fluffycloudland77 · 20/01/2014 19:45

Oh bugger

Sparklingbrook · 20/01/2014 19:44

You know the spot on stuff? I try really hard to get it just on her skin, but she seems to have two layers of fur, and it always gets on it. Is that ok? Plus how on earth does it work?

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Lonecatwithkitten · 20/01/2014 19:41

Spot on, injections very out of fashion for parasite products in general clients don't want to come to the vets.

Fluffycloudland77 · 20/01/2014 19:39

Is the new product drop on or injection?

Sparklingbrook · 20/01/2014 19:30

Brill Lone, I will keep a look out, and carry on monthly with the Advocate for now.

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Lonecatwithkitten · 20/01/2014 19:28

Sparkling the golden bullet is a product that does fleas, ticks, round and tapeworm all in a spot on formulation. There are other equally exciting things coming more big hints dropped by reps today - this year looks like being a great product year.

Sparklingbrook · 20/01/2014 19:26

I get the Advocate monthly, and boosters every February. She's had 2 dentals in 4 years so I think I will go and see about the plan tomorrow. Check if there's a catch etc.

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cozietoesie · 20/01/2014 19:24

Sorry - should read

.....vaccinations and flea/worm treatments......

cozietoesie · 20/01/2014 19:23

I've had to fork out for two GA dentals - one of which was for The Lodger who was only about 3 years old. A % of those bills knocked off would have been most welcome.

I guess it depends what you can afford. I always do the vaccinations and shots very strictly to timing and have done what's needed for the boys but I'm painfully aware that some people simply can't muster the cash and delay things.

Sparklingbrook · 20/01/2014 19:18

I am tempted cozie-all seems very neat IYKWIM.

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cozietoesie · 20/01/2014 19:16

I quite like it actually - it's the perks that attract me in particular. If your cat is getting any older, the discounts on eg dental, tests and free claw clipping are pretty good incentives when you see the raw costs of those items.

Sparklingbrook · 20/01/2014 19:16

OOh Lone what is the 'golden bullet'?

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Lonecatwithkitten · 20/01/2014 19:14

Don't buy too much of anything as really exciting new products are coming early in the year would be my advice. The 'golden bullet' should be here this year.
The 6 monthly check is so the vet can legal say your pet is under their care when they write the prescription.

Sparklingbrook · 20/01/2014 19:12

Mmmmm. What do you think of the £10 a month plan?

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cozietoesie · 20/01/2014 19:11


You may have to get a six monthly check up anyway in order for the vet to issue a new prescription. It rather depends on the practice's policy but, for instance, my own vet won't prescribe if they haven't physically seen the animal within the previous 6 months.

AmberLeaf · 20/01/2014 18:59

I bought advantage online 4 pipettes for about £10ish I think

Fluffycloudland77 · 20/01/2014 18:57

Or to weigh them for the right dose? Lone will know what to do.

Sparklingbrook · 20/01/2014 18:54

yes, thats v true Fluffy and that's very likely, as she's not drinking enough of the mouthwash water IMO. Sad

My only reservation is the 6 monthly check up. is that an excuse to sell you stuff?

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Fluffycloudland77 · 20/01/2014 18:52

Plus you'd get money off if she needs dental again. It's a conundrum.

Sparklingbrook · 20/01/2014 18:47

Thanks Fluffy I am a bit torn. The Companion Care deal looks good if you take into account the £7 pm flea and worm and the booster costs, when it's £10 a month.

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Fluffycloudland77 · 20/01/2014 18:40

Yes I've done it, the prescription was £8 and you order then post it to them.

Don't forget to order through topcashback to get some money back off it.

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