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Does your cat actually sleep in their bed?

40 replies

hugoagogo · 08/01/2014 19:40

I find it strange that my cat was tucked up in her proper cat bed to day for about 4 hours when she could have slept anywhere in the house.

it's a bit weird.

OP posts:
TheDoctorsNewKidneys · 09/01/2014 07:46

Nope. They have a bed but it's used as a storage advice for their toys these days.

Girlcat sleeps on the windowledge in the kitchen, or on top of the fridge. Boycat sleeps by the radiator in the bathroom or on my lap. If I'm napping, he has a tendency to come and lie on my head.

sashh · 09/01/2014 06:02

Mine has slept on the radiator bed once, then found that the radiator itself was warmer.

She goes through phases, she spent November mostly sleeping on my book shelves. She chose one without books and helpfully rearranged mementos from my travels (well threw them on the floor) with the exception of a wooden carved Ganesh.

WhoKnowsWhereTheTimeGoes · 08/01/2014 22:24

They do look very comfy in the car seat with a paw draped over the armrest!

timtam23 · 08/01/2014 22:20

WhoKnows - that's what happened with the kitten - I had to ferry some adult passengers around in my car so took the car seats out & left them in the house - kitten immediately made a beeline for the toddler's seat & spent 2 days asleep in it. Not impressed when I had to reclaim the seat for the children - but I then found an old seat someone was putting on the tip, gave it a good clean, washed the cover & hey presto a cat bed! He absolutely loves it...

SlightlyDampWellies · 08/01/2014 22:16

Yes, I have found that too. Also the buggy.

WhoKnowsWhereTheTimeGoes · 08/01/2014 22:14

We've found that whenever we have car seats inside the house for any reason one of our cats makes a bee line for them.

timtam23 · 08/01/2014 22:12

My very old cat sleeps on my bed during the day, DH's armchair in the evening then moving back to the bed for the last part of the night

The kitten, bizarrely, sleeps in an old MaxiCosi car seat - the first size one for young babies
He was found under our car bonnet so is clearly continuing the "car" theme Grin

shallweshop · 08/01/2014 21:43

Mine sleeps either on top of the DVD player, with the dog on her bed or, if really sneaky, in bed with us or DC's. I have owned several cats and they have always treated proper cat beds with much scorn and suspicion.

BigOrange · 08/01/2014 21:37

Mine does. In a cat bed that my DM's three decided they were too good for, so I know she's a bit of an anomaly. She has a specially crocheted blanket in it too Blush

FeelingTheFire · 08/01/2014 21:35

lljkk you lucky so and so being able to get a few inches! Wink

cozietoesie · 08/01/2014 21:34

Yep. I get 6 inches on the Very edge of a king size.

lljkk · 08/01/2014 21:33

Of course he sleeps in his bed. He's nice enough to let me have a few inches to sleep on it too. Wink

WhoKnowsWhereTheTimeGoes · 08/01/2014 21:28

No proper cat beds here either. When they arrived with us they adopted a spot under our bed, next to some under bed boxes full of hand me downs. One day quite early on DD helpfully took the lid off one ofcthe boxes and they adopted that. I moved the clothes out and put towels in. One of them uses an old buggysnuggle on the floor next to our bed, but last week she made a new bed out of a basket in the bottom of my wardrobe, it has hard lumpy things in (old hairdryer etc), but she got hold of some soft toy stuffing from another box and put it all over the bottom of her basket and has slept in there regularly ever since. Neither has ever tried to get in any of our beds at night, hoping it stays that way.

greenhill · 08/01/2014 21:17

Good places for sleep are:
Still warm ironing
Discarded carrier bags
Change mat (reluctant toddler)
Next to the upstairs toilet (under floor pipes are near it, due to hot water tank)
My leg (only when I'm on my side in bed)

My previous cat used to sleep under the duvet with me, with his face on the pillow, gazing into mine

cozietoesie · 08/01/2014 20:53

......her favourite tea towel.......


FeelingTheFire · 08/01/2014 20:35

Mine prefer my bed - or when I'm in it mostly on my pillow above my head. I can often feel them kneading my hair with paws. Grin

monopoly123 · 08/01/2014 20:27

Most of the time he sleeps either in his bed or the dogs bed - depends where the dog is, he doesn't seem to have a preference of which bed it is (nor does the dog).
He occasionally sleeps on our bed in the afternoon, or the top of the laundry basket in the bathroom.

CMP69 · 08/01/2014 20:22

Only when they are trying to avoid the child. Weirdly they often sleep on his bed

bruffin · 08/01/2014 20:22

Ours doesnt have a bed. Her favorite sleeping places are
On top of stereo
Dining room chairs but only at night
Any ironing left out
Our bed but specially if my dressing gown is on it
Arm chairs
She also has a towel on a wicker box where she sometimes sleep

mrsbug · 08/01/2014 20:15

Our cat sleeps in the baby's cot; the baby sleeps in our bed

GinSoakedMisery · 08/01/2014 20:14

One of my cats likes his sheepskin radiator bed, he practically lives there in the winter. The other cat thinks he is more superior and sleeps on our king sized bed, right in the middle where he can stretch out.

sherbetpips · 08/01/2014 20:14

She never used too but when we moved to this house we kept her in the kitchen at night. She doesn't like very comfy squashy surfaces so we took the padded base out and put in a bit of carpet and her favourite tea towel (don't ask), she sleeps in it every night now


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nipersvest · 08/01/2014 20:12

we bought a bed but the cat has never used it. he goes in the kitchen at night and would rather sleep on the kitchen table than in his nice cosy bed.

SlightlyDampWellies · 08/01/2014 20:10

The other cat sleeps in strange places. On top of the dresser. Inside the shower stall. When DH removed the cover of the hard drive for something or other, she slept in that and shorted out my computer.

Hassled · 08/01/2014 20:10

The cat bed was ignored by the older two for years. Youngest came along and instantly decided it was where he slept, so now it's his. There's something very cute about a cat in an actual cat bed.

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