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The litter tray

I wouldn't change him for anything right now.

12 replies

Lonecatwithkitten · 19/03/2013 21:40

Mostly my posh arrogant boy just orders me about and treats me as the low quality slave I clearly am. However, today I have a horrible virus headache sore throat etc. No adult drugs in the house so resorted to calpol - it's horrible and taken to my bed.
Here he is curled up right next to me providing comfort and company. Cats are definitely the best.

OP posts:
QueenStromba · 20/03/2013 15:15

My cat just wants to be where we are. She only sleeps on the sofa when we're there. She comes to bed when we do (after giving it five minutes to make it look like she was planning to do it but we got there first) and then stays on the bed until both of us have been in the living room for a while. If we're out then she sleeps on the bed.

MartyrStewart · 20/03/2013 01:22
SingingSilver · 20/03/2013 01:18

My cat doesn't know! When I had a two day virus she wouldn't leave me alone - she wouldn't use her cat door, I had to get up and open the door for her every five minutes, she wanted to drink from the tap instead of her bowl, she was begging for treats, just constantly nagging at me. It was like she was irritated that I was lying down and was insisting I get back up on my feet again!

pinkyredrose · 19/03/2013 22:34

Hope you're better soon OP. Flowers

pinkyredrose · 19/03/2013 22:32

Ah bless him Smile

My lovely girl normally comes to bed with me when I turn in and then buggers off and comes back to wake me up in the morning.

I've been a bit teary lately (various reasons) and for the last week or so she's been with me all night keeping an eye on me. Smile

She wakes me up with gentle chirrups, purrs and facerubs. I love my cat!

Cremolafoam · 19/03/2013 22:23

Dh reckons that if you have a bit of a temperature cats are just heat seeking missiles ( he's such a nerd)Confused

I prefer the romantic notion that they can sense your painSmile

tribpot · 19/03/2013 21:57

Yes, until a cat actually wants a cuppa, you're on your own.

Mine went in to sleep on ds' bed early in the morning of the night I was away in London last week. I think she wanted to make sure he was being properly watched over in my absence (I should stress, his dad was there, I hadn't left my ds with my cat providing childcare). She also snuggled up to ds when he broke his collar bone, but I can't honestly say whether that was just curiosity because his bed was in my room all of a sudden.

Contradictionincarnate · 19/03/2013 21:49

thecat they train you not the other way around!

thecatneuterer · 19/03/2013 21:46

Poor you. Hope you feel better soon. Yes cats definitely are the best. If I could just train them to make me cups of tea they'd be perfect:)

cozietoesie · 19/03/2013 21:45

PS - sorry to hear about your lurgi.

cozietoesie · 19/03/2013 21:44

They sure are. (Sitting here with Seniorboy curled up and purring.)


Cremolafoam · 19/03/2013 21:44

Aaw! They KNOW , they really do. My wee cat always chooses to snuggle when any of us are sick . He even sleeps next to dh who is normally used for scratching practice and general disdain.

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