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What Cat Food do you buy for your older fur ball prone cat?

34 replies

PavlovtheCat · 28/02/2013 14:46

We are using IAMS or Purina mature, and the cats are not happy on it, they keep throwing it up. We found they did this with normal IAMs etc so moved on to mature, worked for a while but they keep throwing it up.

Also, do you buy bulk? and if so where from? Happy to shop on the internet for it.

OP posts:
TheNebulousBoojum · 03/03/2013 21:39

Mine had an overactive thyroid and lost a lot of weight. Diabetes can be treatable, usually through diet, depending on how severe it is.
Kidney problems are very bad news. Sad
Vet and blood tests will save the guesswork.

toomuch2young · 03/03/2013 21:49

thenebulus it is true that chronic renal failure in cats is more about maintaining the quality of life for as long as possible and managing the condition rather than being able to cure it, but it is getting more treatable and with multi drug treatments, intravenous fluid therapy, and dietary control with prescription or home made kidney diets, these cats are surving a lot longer and with better quality life. Even the ones whose blood results are very high, these can often be reduced and managed well for quite a time with appropriate treatments.
Don't despair things are improving all the time.

PavlovtheCat · 04/03/2013 08:56

thanks all.

I am going to feed him little and often. problem with feeding him is that he is s gulper and the other cat is a nibbler. She loves food down all day to graze but he won't leave it! He is not overweight though, he is a big cat, heavy, but also long and tall and has a LOT of fur. He was at the vets before christmas (oct or so) and the vet said at that time his weight was fine, so although he has put on a little bit perhaps, he is by no means huge. The vet was not concerned by his health when we saw him, but the fact that he did mention kidney issues makes me wonder if he thought it might happen in the future. He said 'I wont do a blood test as he is healthy and his weight is good but keep an eye out for excessive drinking and/or weight loss as it is something to watch out for as cats grow older' (he went in to visit vet as he was sneezing continuously for days! had a bad cold!).

I am going to buy the James Wellbeloved as they seem ok on that, and that water fountain! And vets appt for mid-week.

9 just doesn't seem very old for a cat and he has never been ill other than this cold last year. My little cat when I grew up lived until she was 19!

OP posts:
cozietoesie · 04/03/2013 09:14

My current Seniorboy is 18 and still going sort of strong so I'd have to agree - but the fact remains that your lad is now middle aged. (20 years ago he'd likely have been regarded as an old cat.)

All might be fine - but the vet appointment is a good idea, I think. Just to get him checked out in light of the drinking.

Best of luck mid-week.

Cantbelieveitsnotbutter · 04/03/2013 09:18

Mine had this problem swapping to James wellbeloved. It massively improved. Then his wet food started bouncing (this time not fur balls) so all last week I gave him rice and fresh fish which again massively improved. So this week I'm going to get some James wellbeloved wet food to see how that goes.

thecatneuterer · 04/03/2013 13:01

Can'tbelieve: last time I bought the JWB dried food it came with a free box of sachets. Even two of my cats who have previously refused to eat anything but dried food and tuna/roast chicken have decided that this is the Best Food in the World, so I can definitely say that it's popular with cats.

cozietoesie · 04/03/2013 13:34

The sachets, thecatneuterer? (I can't use dried because Seniorboy has nearly no teeth left and won't eat biscuit.)

thecatneuterer · 04/03/2013 14:13

Yes, JamesWellbeloved sachets. I think I had the turkey flavour

cozietoesie · 04/03/2013 14:33

Ta. I'll have a look out for them.

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