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Do your cats dribble and snore?

31 replies

GetOrf · 15/02/2013 14:14

My two black cats dribble as soon as you cuddle them. They just sit on your lap purring and then within a minute are drooling everywhere.

The two younger kittens don't. My dd is convinced it's a black cat thing. Grin

And the senior cat snores like an old man when he is asleep - really loudly.

OP posts:
issey6cats · 21/02/2013 22:12

my half siamese lies on his back and snores but non of mine dribble, the little tuxie girl though does farts that would put a full grown person to shame she can clear a room, her brother likes to put his head under my armpit and then buries himself he goes almost into a trance

QueenOfCats · 21/02/2013 21:56

My ginger boy dribbles copiously when he's happy - he also snores softly. He does the padding paws thing when he's cosy too. But the best thing is that I have taught him to sit. And give his paw! I'm awfully proud of him!

My scotty fold doesn't dribble or snore but when he wants food by God, you know about it. He screams, literally. It's actually quite frightening. He also does this when he wants out. Or in. He's most impatient.

Our black cat doesn't dribble or snore but has taken to jumping up and scratching the tv screen when he wants to go out - no idea where he got that from.

And the tabby, he farts. I never ever before met a farting cat. It's quite disgusting! He also drinks from the toilet. Not any of the 4 different bowls of fresh water I put out twice a day, oh no.

ILoveMyCats · 21/02/2013 21:45

Our 2 get very runny, drippy noses when they purr. Not much snoring or dribbling. Love the bruuhh noise too.
The best thing is when they have hiccups....very funny!

qazxc · 17/02/2013 14:46

one of mine snores like a trouper.
both of them dribble and roll around the ground in a trance when provided with anything with catnip in it. DP has often removed new scratching posts as he thought they were getting too stoned, but they still roll and drool where the thing used to be.

CMOTDibbler · 15/02/2013 20:07

2 out of 3 cats here snore, only one of them dribbles, but my old black and white boy dribbled enormously.

Mine certainly have emotions such as jealousy, taking umbrage, and random rage in the case of ginger thug

NirvannahCrane · 15/02/2013 20:02

My Step-Cat is black and elderly and yes, my god, she can dribble. The minute you pick her up she's off.

My cat is a silver grey tabby and he never dribbles. Covers me in spit when he's savaging me for no reason, yes but dribbles? Never.

Moominsarehippos · 15/02/2013 18:13

Can, no.
Me, yes.

poozlepants · 15/02/2013 18:07

We have/had 3 or 4 black cats but no dribblers. Knew a grey one which drooled like a tap if you even said hello. We had a tabby who snored so loudly he was banned from the bedroom.

GetOrf · 15/02/2013 18:03

I do love cats. Smile

OP posts:
SecretNutellaFix · 15/02/2013 17:40

Boycat purrs and drools, his sister snorts and jerks every so often when she's asleep. They are ten next month and this has started happening as they have been getting older.

BadgersRetreat · 15/02/2013 17:29

no dribbling but she sure can snore

when we all settle down in bed at night she lets out this big snorey sigh that sounds like bagpipes deflating Grin

winemakesmeclever · 15/02/2013 17:01

Yep. His snoring has woken me in the middle of the night before (I am a very light sleeper though). His dribbling only really started when he had shedloads of teeth out. He's an old grandpa cat Smile

ArielThePiraticalMermaid · 15/02/2013 16:54

If you stroke your car when they're dozing, do they make this lovely "brrrrruh" noise? I love that!

ArielThePiraticalMermaid · 15/02/2013 16:53

Yes to both.

She also has a constantly blocked nose and kind of snorts.

Fluffycloudland77 · 15/02/2013 16:51

Oh dear. I am one of those sad sack cat owners who invest emotions in their cats which they probably don't possess.

Lol, I have a book on my kindle that's a self help guide for cats, one of the questions is "what is your emotional response to situations?

A) predictable
B) varied
C) what's an emotional response?

hugoagogo · 15/02/2013 15:37

Not much dribbling here, but she snores like something on a building site Hmm Grin

TheSilveryPussycat · 15/02/2013 15:31

No dribbling from my black cat, but she is snoring on the bed as I type. Her snoring is much quieter than mine Blush

greenhill · 15/02/2013 14:48

My black cat occasionally dribbles and purrs very loudly when stroked. She is 18 though and always washes afterwards.

aJumpedUpPantryBoy · 15/02/2013 14:41

My black cat, my white cat and my black and white cat don't dribble at all but the ginger cat drools as soon as you stroke him - it goes all down his chest. In fact he is the only cat I have seen who drips drool.

The tabby cat dribbles a tiny but but he gets embarrased by it and stops to clean his face.

out2lunch · 15/02/2013 14:38

Oh yes the jealousy

I often have furry queue for my lap

HerbyVore · 15/02/2013 14:32

My old dear departed boy snored and dribbled all his life, - he used to do that paw paddling thing on me too the instant he got onto my lap. And if I dared to move when he was sat on me he would tut, or pfft I suppose.

drinkyourmilk · 15/02/2013 14:29

My Mils cat does that. She's a terribly sweet old thing. As soon as you sit down she's meowing at your feet. She likes you to ruffle her cheeks and then dribbles happily. When you stop stroking her she head butts your forehead till you start again. She also likes to sleep under the duvet snuggled right up to your chest. She sleeps between my oh and I when we stay.


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GetOrf · 15/02/2013 14:29

The kittens, by the way, are 3 years old.

We will still be calling them kittens when they are in their teens. Grin

OP posts:
GetOrf · 15/02/2013 14:28

Do any of your cats get jealous (oh god perhaps I am mad).

If I am cuddling one of the kittens the elder cat jumps very hard on my lap and shoos them away.

OP posts:
Pascha · 15/02/2013 14:27

Oh yes.

Cat emotions:

Snowshoe - Feed me, love me, rub me, notice me.

Ginger - Fuck off.

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