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Where to get kittens?

18 replies

Kewcumber · 05/11/2012 14:42

My lovely cat was PTS last week after developing kidney failure. I miss him so much and whilst I don't want to replace him (of course because he is irreplaceable!) I hate the house without a cat (or two) in it.

Personally I wouldn't mind a young cat but DS has never had a kitten and my cats weren't really his (IYSWIM) so I would like him to have a kitten to bond with. Although he is only 7, he is a fairly calm 7 year old and is quite used to cats.

I have emailed Hounslow Animal Welfare society and waiting to hear back, would consider Battersea (though I need to go in person to apply and can't do that until at least Wednesday).

Are rescues likely to object to the fact that I live by a railway line? I really don't want to go the Gumtree/private sale route - I don't want to encourage people not to have their cats neutered. I would consider a pair if it helps.

Any other suggestions in the SOuth West London area?

OP posts:
Fluffycloudland77 · 09/11/2012 16:50

They are gorgeous, I love black cats.

My cats best friend was a black cat. He didnt want to be adopted though (farm cat not pet I wasnt going to nick him).

lljkk · 09/11/2012 16:43

Awwww... can't decide which is cuter, kids or kittens.

Kewcumber · 09/11/2012 13:33

I saw a laser pointer in sainsburys I wasn't sure if they much good. DS is enjoying playing with them - we have one of those dangly toys on a stick - he calls it "fishing for kittens"!

Very odd grieving for old cat and enjoying new ones at the same time.

OP posts:
5inthebed · 09/11/2012 13:22

Oh Kew they are gorgeous! I have black and black and white kittens, they are fab.

If you can find one, but a laser pointer for them, excellent toys and hours of fun!

cozietoesie · 09/11/2012 13:19

Gorgeous, Kewcumber. Just gorgeous!


Kewcumber · 09/11/2012 13:11

OK photos on profile.

OP posts:
lljkk · 09/11/2012 12:39

Yes, we have had that problem too!! Put them on something white or light coloured in sunny room.

Kewcumber · 09/11/2012 12:35

black kittens are so hard to photograph!

OP posts:
cozietoesie · 08/11/2012 18:58

Great news Kewcumber. And yes - you're obliged to put some pictures on your profile now for us all to see!


lljkk · 08/11/2012 18:56

Pictures! We demand pictures of the balls of fluff!:)

Sunnywithachanceofshowers · 07/11/2012 21:47


That's great news - enjoy!

issey6cats · 07/11/2012 21:45

awww fantastic enjoy :)

Kewcumber · 07/11/2012 21:43

Problem solved! Emailed one of the rescues on cozietosies list and they had four 8 week old kittens whose mother was killed on the road when they were 5 weeks. Two black and two black and white - apparently black/black and white cats are hard to place at the moment as they aren't fashionable just now Confused.

So I currently have two slightly nervous balls of fluff gamboling around the room. I'd forgotten how bonkers kittens are!

OP posts:
sashh · 07/11/2012 05:21

What about a mum and kitten? CP find it easy to rehome kittens, harder with their mothers.

Kewcumber · 05/11/2012 20:59

they look lovely but Eltham is probably too far from me as most places require a home visit these days. Have sent an email to the hillingdon branch though.


OP posts:
lljkk · 05/11/2012 17:38

Cat Protection League? Over-run with kittens often. Free neutering in your area.

This lot look cute as buttons.

Kewcumber · 05/11/2012 16:27

I take your point about an older cat but I think it likely (with luck) this will be our only cat for DS's childhood and I do feel the need to give him a "kitten" experience not just a cat. Will probably be constrained by what shelters have to offer anyway!

Thanks for link will check it out

OP posts:
cozietoesie · 05/11/2012 14:48

Have a scoot around this site.


Appreciate that you want DS to bond with a kitten but remember that this one will be new to everybody and taking on a slightly older cat will mean that you not only have a steadier animal but also help out the rescues who are bursting at the seams with unwanted cats.

Best of luck whatever you decide.


PS - As to the railway line, I don't know. You'd best ask when you get in touch if it's going to be an outdoors cat.

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