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The litter tray

Why does my cat stare at me?

26 replies

msrisotto · 09/08/2012 21:39

All the time! I'm currently on MN and watching TV. She's sitting in front of me and keeps turning her little head round to look at me. Why? What does she want???

OP posts:
Orenishii · 17/08/2012 08:44

I'd like to think it was love but I'm not's probably not, knowing the little beasts.

My cat stares at me - she's completely obsessed with me and is always watching me. If I do something - move or speak, she's got her eyes on me right away. DH can sit there calling her, speaking to her, trying to get her attention while she pretends to sleep and completely ignores him but if I so much as shift in my seat, her eye fly open and she's staring at me. I think she loves me in a has-to-dominate me kind of way. She can't bear not knowing/seeing/being involved with what I'm doing - perhaps your cat is the same?

SillySollySandy · 15/08/2012 19:56

Have you accidentally tucked your skirt into your knickers? Or perhaps she is trying to make you think you have accidentally tucked your skirt into your knickers?

BadgersRetreat · 15/08/2012 19:54

sorry to hear you're not getting cat kisses back. She's a tough one...

bitofcheese · 15/08/2012 19:28

freaks me out when she does this too sometimes, she can do it for ages as well. dh shows her his gnashers, that tends to put her off :-D

iklboo · 14/08/2012 17:54

She's wondering if you'd taste best with hollandaise or Diane sauce Grin.

msrisotto · 14/08/2012 17:43

Hmm, a few of you are going to give me nightmares to be honest!

I've been slowly blinking at her for a few days now and she doesn't flinch. Just wide eyed stares at me, into my soul.....

OP posts:
ItsAllGoingToBeFine · 14/08/2012 17:07

She wants to eat you and is waiting for you to be vulnerable.

BadgersRetreat · 14/08/2012 17:02

blink slowly at her and she'll do it back

it's a cat kiss....fact

edam · 10/08/2012 21:51

She's observing you in order to learn what your weaknesses are so that she can exploit them. HTH.

Fluffycloudland77 · 10/08/2012 21:48

Mine doesnt stare at me. Maybe he's defective.

Cailleach · 10/08/2012 20:46

They are reading your mind. Nothing is hidden from them - nothing.


msrisotto · 10/08/2012 17:18

Fate - she's 3 years old or so, and never swiped at my eyes yet!!

bonzo77 - Thank you for colluding with me :)

OP posts:
bonzo77 · 10/08/2012 17:16

Because she loves you.

FateLovesTheFearless · 10/08/2012 17:15

Is your cat a young one? Mine did that when they were younger. They were stalking my eyelashes!

msrisotto · 10/08/2012 17:13

I've decided she's looking lovingly at me.

Because i'm delusional soft and it makes me happy :)

OP posts:
floranora · 10/08/2012 07:21

my cat does that! i call him the little creep! he will sit next to my pollow and purr really loud and stare at me! even if i turn my back, i can still hear him purring and looking at me! creep cat!

msrisotto · 10/08/2012 07:16

Grin fantastic theories!

She didn't need food and is a happy indoor cat who occasionally pees on the floor next to her tray.

I'll have a stare out/narrowing eyes competition next time to shake her confidence in plotting my downfall. Seems the most likely explanation.

OP posts:
GranToAirMissiles · 09/08/2012 21:47

She wants something, probably food. Or have you locked the cat door? (something I often do, and then forget about)

Peggotty · 09/08/2012 21:46

I have a cat who is totally obsessed with me - she stares intently into my eyes (cats aren't supposed to like eye contact either) and wakes me up in the middle of the night by licking my face or sitting on my chest to stare. Instead of Single, White Female, she is like Single, Tabby and White Feline and if I step out of line I'll get a claw embedded in my eye Wink. I have a theory it's because she was hand-raised by humans (orphaned kitten) and it always makes cats a little strange IMO.

Longtalljosie · 09/08/2012 21:46

It means she's in charge or wishes to be. Narrow your eyes at her and she'll do it back.

scurryfunge · 09/08/2012 21:46

She is plotting your downfall.

missymoss · 09/08/2012 21:44



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wanttomakeadifference · 09/08/2012 21:43

When my cats state at me I assume they it is a loving type gaze- they are telling me the love meBlush.

Am I mistaken- are they trying to stare me out in a freaky way?!

Hope notGrin.

Catsmamma · 09/08/2012 21:42

she is watching the massive spider right above your head.

happy to help.

Lucyellensmum99 · 09/08/2012 21:41

She is trying to hypnotise you

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