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The litter tray

Cat keeps shitting on the bed - any advice?

11 replies

MrsSchadenfreude · 31/05/2012 18:27

We've had this shitten since she was about 8 weeks old. She's now 9 months and has been neutered recently. She had an upset tummy and a bit of a runny bottom and crapped on the bed and the floor two weeks ago. I thought it was because she couldn't make the litter box on time, took her to the vet who put her on Felidiarix and it cleared up. Two days after she finished the course of tablets, her poo got runny again and she crapped on the bed and in the bath. I decided to change her diet, took her off soft food and back onto the dry cat food. She complained initially but the poo hardened up back to normal. Result, I htought. Today she shat on the bed again - it wasn't as solid as it could have been, but wasn't diarrhoea like she had the other week. She did the same thing yesterday on the bed, and the day before in the bath. Her litter box (which she has always shared with the other cat) is clean. I have run out of duvets and can't carry on like this - any ideas? She and the other cat sleep on the end of the bed. She has always been clean up till now. Sad

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MrsSchadenfreude · 31/05/2012 21:38

And has just been wormed, although I noticed her "scooting" along on her bottom a few minutes ago. Could this be worms? (She is an indoor cat, by the way.)

She and the other cat are curled up together now, and the big cat is cuddling her.

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MrsSchadenfreude · 31/05/2012 21:37

She has sensitive stomach food, which is rice based, ratther than wheat based.

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claraschu · 31/05/2012 21:08

Our cat did this, and I thought it was anxiety too. It turned out to be sensitivity to the grain in the dry food he was eating (wheat). Once we put him on Wellbeloved dry food, it cleared up (only rice and meat). Also, have your vet check carefully for unusual worm infestation, especially if she has been outside hunting. Worms can make a cat do this. Good luck, and don't despair.

Virgil · 31/05/2012 21:03

We had a similar problem with one of our kittens. Keep them in the kitchen or an area with a hard floor for a while, plenty of litter trays, clean clean clean clean clean since the kitten will still be able to smell the area they have used as a toilet. Then get a tube of canikur pro paste to firm things up.

MrsSchadenfreude · 31/05/2012 20:58

Daisy - no, she wears the kitty trousers in this house, despite being younger and about a third of the other cat's size. They groom each other and play fight, with her inevitably winning. She is the sweetest natured cat I have ever had - never bites, never claws, happy to be picked up and stroked and has a purr like an engine. She is soooo lovely apart from the arse problem. Sad

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issey6cats · 31/05/2012 20:53

feliway is a pheromone based liquid which you spray or plug in and its supposed to calm cats down it works on some and dosent on others sadly hasnt been proven to work on children

LackaDAISYcal · 31/05/2012 20:09

What's Feliway?

LackaDAISYcal · 31/05/2012 20:04

Does you other cat try and assert authority over her? My friend's cat used to poo in her bed all the time, and he was incredibly picked on by her older female cat who used to sit on him to groom him whether he liked it or not, and used to chew his whiskers off. She started seperating them when she wasn't home, and Intervening any bullying tactics when she was home and the pooing stopped almost immediately.

Funny little this, cats :)

issey6cats · 31/05/2012 18:38

and keep them both out of the bedroom for a few days till she gets out of the habit of using your nice soft bed as a toilet

MrsSchadenfreude · 31/05/2012 18:38

The vet said a few weeks back that he thought she was anxious, so we have Feliway wafting round the flat as well. It doesn't seem to have made much difference to her, but the other cat is almost comatose! I will try another litter tray and see how that goes - thank you.

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LackaDAISYcal · 31/05/2012 18:33

It's a classic sign of distress. Probably borne out of sharing a litter tray as they don't really like this. She was peobably ok with it until she had her dicky tummy, but its got too much for her.

Also the general rule of thumb with litter trays is No of trays = No if cats plus 1

Try at least one more tray as a first line if defence and get some odour neutraliser from the pet shop for the bed. Even though you've cleaned It, she will still be able to sense/smell It.

I hope things settle down soon.

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