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The litter tray

She's arrived!

29 replies

crazynanna · 13/11/2011 21:29

8 weeks and a half.
Black and tabby.
I luff her. Smile
Pics on profile.
Look Pinot!

OP posts:
crazycrackernanna · 05/12/2011 09:27

Xmas Grin Thankyou lovliness...she is pretty isn't she

She's very that because she's a baby or will she keep it do you think?
She is a little terror!! She nicks my computer mouse and legs it! She won't sleep in the posh cat basket but instead uses it for her 'loot'...usually dd's hairclips/bobbles and very important receipts.
DD dropped a piece of cookie the size of a 5p and Poppy hoovered it up before we could get to it. She had a major sugar rush tearing around and bumping into things and attacking her shadow Shock...then collapsed on her cushion and slept for 3 hours Xmas Grin

I luffs her so so much.

ISawPINOTSnoggingSantaClaus · 05/12/2011 09:18

Awwww goodness me she is super pretty! Just so, so pretty! It's the fluffiness of her combined with the diddyness!! She's just lovely crazy, lovely x Xmas Smile

Sparklingbaubles · 05/12/2011 08:24

Just off on school run but she's started a thread-with pictures!!! Envy obviously. Grin

crazycrackernanna · 05/12/2011 08:11

Xmas Grin It is so not you posting without the Envy,Sparkling

Makes me smile every time!
I am gald about Seaweed...she's had a bit of a rough time.
Wonder how she's getting on? Xmas Smile

Sparklingbaubles · 04/12/2011 16:57

Lovely pictures. Grin

Sparklingbaubles · 04/12/2011 16:55

crazy. Seaweed is on her way home with her new lilac point furry baby. Envy

crazycrackernanna · 04/12/2011 12:07

More pics on profile...sorry they are sideways I don't know how to get them the right way!

She is now nearly 12 weeks old and growing so fast.

Look Pinot!!! Xmas Smile

purpleknittingmum · 17/11/2011 19:30

She is very cute!!

PinotHolidaysAreComing · 17/11/2011 19:29

Sorry crazy I missed that yesterday. So sorry.

I used to feed half a pouch of wet food a day per kitten, mixed with dry food. The pouch lasted clipped and kept in the fridge.

How is Poppy today?

SecretNutellaFix · 17/11/2011 19:26

We gave ours the occasional pouch of wet food, but they then began a campaign to have it more often so we stopped. They went hungry for 2 days while meowing for the wet stuff until they finally realised I meant business.

Plus it's meant that neither of them have had to see the vet about their teeth at all, as the hard stuff is less likely to stick in any tiny gaps.

They are currently on Pets at Home premium stuff for senior cats- they liked Iams and Royal Canin, but that got too pricey for us, and they absolutely refuse go-cat/ cheaper brands.

crazynanna · 16/11/2011 11:36

Need a bit of advice re feeding,please Smile
poppy is on dried kitten food,always there for as and when needed. She eats little and often,and it seems she is growing.

Should I also give her wet food? From time to time,or alongside the dry?
Thank you muchly.

OP posts:
crazynanna · 14/11/2011 15:04

She purrs like an engine...I was Shock when she did it for the first time!
She has just hopped on my knee,stretched up to my face,and licked me!
I think she luffs me.
Anyway,of to get ready for work play with my baby for a while.
Will check in later.
Thank you for the advice Smile

OP posts:
PinotHolidaysAreComing · 14/11/2011 15:00

Youuuuuuu wait until she is big enough to jump on your bed - and you get purrs to wake you up :) :) Meow (my girl) woke my at 4am by standing on my chest and pacing on me until I woke up and stroked her. The MrPinot tried to stroke her too and she got all humpy and jumped off She's my baybeeeee - as is Gingerific. My fur babies! SQUEEEEEEEE!!

crazynanna · 14/11/2011 14:58

I'm fairly sure it's pouncing - poncing is more Russell Grant avec a feather boa wink
Blush got excited typing about her Grin
Thank you God the eye thing is normal. Been fretting all day.
I have booked her in next Thursday (payday) for check and jabs. She sleeps loads! I so want to wake her and play...but I won't
Yes,she has a mousy on an elastic thing,she loves it.
An orange ball with a bell...she's petrified of it!
And an old sherbert sweet tube that rolls...her favourite!
The pics don't do her justice...will take some more
I feel like a new mummy all over again! Grin
Have to go to work soon...but have got a babycat sitter on her way Wink
She is a bit young to leave? Anyway,the thought of her crying breaks my heart.Sad
She is really accidents!
How can a ball of fluff make one's heart swell so?

OP posts:
PinotHolidaysAreComing · 14/11/2011 14:49

You should have messaged me to share the kitten obsessing crazy!

Mine got their jabs at 8 weeks (first set) and had a thorough check up with the vet, whilst I stood there making SQUEEEEEE noises as they tried to climb up him.

The sleepydust is totally normal - Ginger (my boy) had gunky eyes for yonks - then grew out of it, bless his heart. I used to cool some boiled water and clean with a cotton bud. They soon get old enough to learn to use their paws to clean their little diddy faces :)

Oh Gawd the bum wiggle Make sure you video as much as possible - she'll grow SO FAST but oh my she's a cutie.

crazy, I'm fairly sure it's pouncing - poncing is more Russell Grant avec a feather boa Wink

Have you got lots of toys? Mine love pingpong balls to play football with and those teaser things with a handle and a bell and fooffy stuff on t'other end.

:o :o

crazynanna · 14/11/2011 14:42

Grin Grin Grin
Been waiting all day for you,Pinot!!!

Oh,Pinot,I didn't think I could love a creature the way I love her. Everytime I look at her,I go all silly with a high pitched voice. I am sure she thinks I'm deranged!
I think she thinks I'm her mummy. She follows me everywhere,and sits and just looks at me with those eyes

Is next week too early for jabs? She's already been wormed and defleaed.
Also,she has bits of sleep in her that ok? She doesn't have a cold? She isn't sneezing or anything.

She is doing that poncing thing where she wiggles her bum first Grin
Oh Gosh she is beautiful.!

OP posts:
PinotHolidaysAreComing · 14/11/2011 14:35

OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just made a noise that wasn't even human when I saw her photo!


Oh. She. Is. Adorable! I luff her! And Poppy is an excellent name - I have a Cavalier called Poppy. You have superb taste, crazy my love.

It's completely normal to sleep so much - they sleep up to 20hours a day at that age SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE oops sorry that just slipped out Blush :o

She is going to get the most be-yooo-tiful markings when she gets older and loses the kitten fuzz SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE kitten fuzz

Oh gawd. I rather like kittens, I do.

crazynanna · 14/11/2011 12:20

That is exactly what I said,Ninja! It is exactly like having a newborn. Grin
But I don't care...she has already established herself as No 1 in the house Wink
She is a bit of a wuss with noises (being a baby) If a loud song/ad comes on the TV,she flies under the sofa!

OP posts:
TheNinjaGooseIsOnAMission · 14/11/2011 12:14

sounds like having a newborn Grin Our cat's a rescue cat, got her when she was about 8 months old and she'd always been an indoor cat. When she first started going out the wind would terrify her and she'd shoot back in the house and go hide and not try to go out again for a couple of days, she's such a wuss.

crazynanna · 14/11/2011 11:51

Sparklingbrook Just have two! Wink

OP posts:
Sparklingbrook · 14/11/2011 11:49

Or maybe not. She's four and still very beautiful. Grin

crazynanna · 14/11/2011 09:13

I was thinking that,Ninja. I know it is going to be a habit. She likes to fall asleep near to someone (prob thinks it's mum),but I do gently carry her and put her in her bed. She cries when we leave the room Sad,she's still a bit wary of venturing out of living room. But she accidently did that this morning when she was tearing around,looked really shocked,and flew back in!Grin She is so funny to watch.

Thankyou Sparklingbrook...I have been Envy for months looking at other peoples' kittens!

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TheNinjaGooseIsOnAMission · 14/11/2011 09:03

aww she's sweet. Everything that she's doing is normal, don't worry, although sleeping on the bed will become a habit quite quickly so if it's something you don't want in the long term best discourage it now. Says she whose ginger furball of a cat sleeps on the end of the bed Grin

Sparklingbrook · 14/11/2011 09:02

Envy She is beautiful.

crazynanna · 14/11/2011 08:58

SecretNutellaFix That was what we were going to call her...Molly!
Put we went for Poppy,as she is a little poppet

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