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The doghouse

My dog, the homebody

27 replies

Goawayangryman · 14/04/2022 20:34

It's the school holidays and we are away again with the hound, 9 month old golden retriever female.

This dog is absolutely weird about toileting (wee) anywhere else apart from her own garden. She will only ever willingly go there, or in a stream or lake. This would be merely a quirk if we didn't occasionally have to stay away from home. We are at my parents now, where we have been at least 5 or 6 times. Every single time we have come she has peed consistently in the house. I take her out hourly. Nope. Last time we were here she also pooed. Cream carpets 😁. And yes, enzymatic cleaners used every time. I watch her like a hawk but occasionally I do need a wee myself or turn my head away or something....

She has never, not once, pooed inside at home..we have had her since she was 8 weeks old. She has been totally dry in our house since around 16 weeks.

Previously when we came here she waited 12 hours to go for a wee. I now bring a fresh wee-smelling towel (yes really) which will get her to go after a long journey. Is it really a case of having to re train them in every single place you go to?! No-one else I know has this issue with the ultra shy urinating dog ....

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Goawayangryman · 15/05/2022 18:36

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Goawayangryman · 15/05/2022 18:37

@PollyRoulllson yep that all makes total sense to me. I do not get on with progesterone at all, as a human ! I'll book her in after her next season.

Ddog is such a homebody still. Been great being away this time, but I did notice during the nights she has been panting a fair bit, I will confess that I put wax earplugs in last night. Now we are home, she has slept for 5 hours straight. Poor poppet.

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