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The doghouse

Off lead walking

13 replies

Babana123 · 22/07/2021 06:53

Babanapup is 14 weeks old and so far on our walks I have been using a long lead with her when at the park and woods. However, last night I was reading on the internet (of course) that puppies should be used to being off lead asap - from 12 weeks.

So this morning I persuaded my son to come with me (for moral support) at 5.45am for our walk. When we got to the park I took her lead off with some trepidation but was amazed. She loved it! She would sniff around a bit then look where we were and trot along with us. I had a pocket full of chopped hotdogs and used them for recall.

It was surprisingly stress free. However, we didn’t see any other dogs this morning. Usually she loves to see other dogs and have a bit of a play with the friendly ones. I’m worried that I wouldn’t be able to coax her back (even with hotdogs) if there was another dog around.

How has everyone else dealt with this?

OP posts:
hellcatspangle · 22/07/2021 09:12

I've done exactly what you are doing, all mine are off lead from early on and I take great treats, make sure you vary the treats for optimum effect. You'll find that the pup will want to be with you anyway, but they can go through a teenage phase when they get a bit older and more confident, and start being a bit rebellious.

It can help to arrange walks with friends who have dogs (with good recall) so they don't see other dogs as a novelty. Keep reinforcing the recall, even when they get older (I.e. don't rest on your laurels!)

MotionActivatedDog · 22/07/2021 08:25

The long line is a great recall tool OP. Recall her whilst she is on it and if she isn’t responding you reel her back in to you. Don’t let her off it until she is recalling every single time whilst on the long lead with other dogs around.

BiteyShark · 22/07/2021 07:55

Yes when very young they stick to you and this is the perfect time to train recall. Then expect them to not listen when they hit teenager phase which can last for months but keep practicing recall during this time and eventually they will grow up and listen again.

I do find I need to keep a handle on recall all the time even though mine is nearly 5 years. I think it's the kind of training that needs reinforcing all the time through their life.

mynameisnotmichaelcaine · 22/07/2021 07:53

I have a five month old working cocker, and she's been off the lead in certain areas since she has been allowed out. I have been following the book Total Recall and her recall is (currently) absolutely bomb-proof. I chuck a treat by my feet and clip her back on if I see another dog approaching and so far so good. It makes my heart happy to see her bounding off through the long grass.

Babana123 · 22/07/2021 07:47

It was reading this that made me take the plunge this morning.

OP posts:
Babana123 · 22/07/2021 07:43

Thank you all so much for the responses. I will take on board the advice of popping her on her lead while other dogs are around and try to train her to focus on me rather than them.

Her recall at the moment is pretty good, but I am absolutely dreading the teenage years. I’ve got a feeling my long lead will be out again then!

OP posts:
joystir59 · 22/07/2021 07:41

You need to train recall, starting in the house, then the garden, then in quiet areas outside. Recall training needs to be reinforced regularly until they are 18months old, way past the 'teenage' period. Walking puppies close to you on a short lead is also a good idea. It strengthens the bond and makes them less likely to pull.

MotionActivatedDog · 22/07/2021 07:35

You don’t do it until their recall is rock solid and 100% reliable.

warmfluffytowels · 22/07/2021 07:34

12 weeks is the best age to get them learning recall - it's the teen years you have to worry about Grin

Mollymalone123 · 22/07/2021 07:24

I taught both my dogs recall before he was let off lead-so even practice at home with the best treats you can find.recalling from one room to another and between two people doo g it then find a secure area outdoors or when it’s quiet and let puppy off and let them get interested in sniffing around then call back to you and will only take one incident for a dog without recall to get into trouble

ReeseWitherfork · 22/07/2021 07:14

My dog was fine at that age, and then became a nightmare around the 4/5 month mark. He realised I wasn't as exciting as other dogs. So we spent a lot of time on recall, and he was fine after a few weeks. I just used to grab him and put him on the lead if I spied other dogs in the interim.

If your dog does run off to another when off lead, just get him back ASAP and be very apologetic. Most reasonable dog owners will know that it's part of the puppy process and mishaps do happen. Owners who don't react appropriately are more of an issue in most scenarios.

As a general rule (which I'm sure you know), just make sure your dog is on a lead if ever you see another dog on theirs.

EmRata95 · 22/07/2021 07:13

With my dogs I've always put their lead on as soon as we see another dog approaching, even the off lead ones as I don't want them getting mixed signals, as being allowed to run up to and interact with some dogs and not others will confuse them. When you walk past the dog, keep your pup focused on you ( I've taught my dogs 'look at me'). Use treats or her favourite toy. Lots of praise for ignoring the other dog. After a while walking straight past other dogs will be the norm for your dog. My dogs are also trained to heel, so now I just tell them to heel when another dog approaches. However other peoples off lead dogs running up to yours can really be a pain in the arse while you are trying to train your dog to ignore other dogs! And if you have any friends or family with dogs you could let your pup play with would be good, so she isn't so desperate to play with all the ones she meets out and about

Skyla2005 · 22/07/2021 07:09

That's when puppies are the hardest to call back because they get so excited. We used to let ours have a little play if it was friendly then carry on walking away while calling all the time and shaking the treat pot. Can take some time but they do get the hang of it and want to stick close at this age and not loose you so we found she did come back eventually They become less playful as they get older and happier to just stick with you Well done for letting him off so many don't worrying they won't come back but in our experience they do and so lovely to see them running around enjoying themselves and truly worn out once they are home !

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