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Choosing a collar for a new puppy - size?

15 replies

m0therofdragons · 17/07/2020 21:37

When we collect our puppy I’ve been told he’ll need to have a restraint in the car so we’ll need to have a collar. How do I know what size to buy? He’s a cocker spaniel.

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pigsDOfly · 18/07/2020 16:24

Yes, agree with Reedwarbler.

That also applies to puppies, or dogs come to that, in crates where they can also get their collar caught.

Reedwarbler · 18/07/2020 15:49

I wouldn't leave a puppy unsupervised in a collar either. I read a story (I think on here) about a puppy jumping up at a kitchen cupboard and getting hung up by the collar on a handle, with fatal results. Puppies are also very curious about a dangly tag on their collar until they get more sensible, and will spend ages trying to get hold of it.
My small dog never wears a collar, and wears a harness with tag while out. Small harnesses for puppies are usually made of a very soft material. I have occasionally had to do a bit of sewing to improve the fit.

m0therofdragons · 18/07/2020 12:36

@pigsDOfly great tip, thanks.

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pigsDOfly · 18/07/2020 12:08

Just buy a collar for a puppy, breeder or pet shop will be able to advise you, you won't need to measure it.

When you put it on don't make it too loose or too tight; you should be able to get two or three fingers under it comfortably, obviously that depends how large your fingers are.

As pp said don't buy anything too expensive as puppy will grow out of it in a few weeks.

When it comes to buying a harness you will either have to try it on, a good pet shop will do the fitting for you, or you can measure your puppy and and order it online.

Again, don't buy anything too expensive until puppy is fully grown as they'll be too small very quickly.

I've kept all my dog's collars and harnesses and it's amazing how tiny some of them are.

Oh and it's not a bad idea to get a tag for both the collar and harness. My dog rarely wears her collar in the house and I often don't put it on when we go out on walks so it's handy if there's one on her harness.

m0therofdragons · 18/07/2020 11:49

@SlothMama I definitely plan to use a harness for walks. I hate seeing dogs dragged by their necks. We still have 4 weeks until he comes home so I’m doing my research. Dh is completely chilled as he grew up with dogs but it’s very new to me so I’m over thinking everything. The doghouse has been so useful. Thank you everyone.

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SlothMama · 18/07/2020 11:09


Okay great, that’s really helpful. I still have no clue how to size him for a harness and he’ll presumably need a collar as he’ll need a tag. Did you wait until getting him home, measuring then going to the shops?

I buy the collars beforehand so they can get used to them, you could ask the breeder what size they recommend? I would go with either an xs or a small for a cocker. But don't buy anything expensive they don't wear them for long!
SlothMama · 18/07/2020 11:08

I wouldn't put a harness on a puppy for the first time when they are leaving their litter. It'll just freak them out more during what's already a stressful time.
Personally I always travel with pups in crates, it's safer for them imo. With a collar I went with a reddingo in a size small for my toller. But for walks I do recommend always using a harness as it's better for their necks and you can then use it for travel once they are used to it.

m0therofdragons · 18/07/2020 10:30

Okay great, that’s really helpful. I still have no clue how to size him for a harness and he’ll presumably need a collar as he’ll need a tag. Did you wait until getting him home, measuring then going to the shops?

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tabulahrasa · 18/07/2020 01:16

You absolutely don’t want to restrain it with a collar, every little jolt will put pressure on the neck and thrust, nevermind a hard brake.

If you’re not wanting to use a harness yet, borrow a cat carrier and strap that in.

pigsDOfly · 17/07/2020 23:25

Doesn't matter how short a journey it is, any sudden stop could cause terrible injury to a puppy restrained by it's neck.

I have a small dog 6.5kilo weight, she has never been walked with her lead attached to her collar because of the possibility of damage to the trachea that can be cause by the constant pressure from walking a dog with a collar and lead.

Borderstotheleftofme · 17/07/2020 23:01

I don’t think a collar is an appropriate/safe restraint for a car ride.
He needs a harness or to be inside a carrier imo

m0therofdragons · 17/07/2020 21:50

He’ll be in my arms. Can you easily put a puppy in a harness when they’ve never worn one? I was advised against that. It’s like children, everyone has very strong opinions on what is the c right thing to do.

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m0therofdragons · 17/07/2020 21:48

I plan to use one of these for walks but I wasn’t sure how easy puppy would find it and didn’t want to add more stress to a stressful situation for him so felt a collar would be simplest. It’s not a long journey and I plan to have him on my lap (with towels) and attach him to my seatbelt for safety.

OP posts:
Allgirlskidsanddogs · 17/07/2020 21:46

Please don’t restrain him with a collar, either use a harness or put him in a puppy crate.

sleepismysuperpower1 · 17/07/2020 21:41
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