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Do you use a tick prevention or just flea?

29 replies

AlsDiner · 21/06/2020 18:44

I'm looking into the pros and cons of tick prevention as well as flea. Do you give your dog any tick treatment or just monitor their fur/skin for signs of ticks?

I'm wondering how likely a tick disease is in reality and whether that likelihood is worth it versus tablets such as Bravecto for example (or other tick prevention methods).

My dog currently has Milpro and Bravecto. No ill affects at all so far and she's had these for a few years, so I'm not overly worried about her, but I like to keep researching these things and I do wonder whether it may be overkill and whether just a spot flea treatment may be better (with Milpro).

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AlsDiner · 22/06/2020 13:14

*in a month

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Wolfiefan · 22/06/2020 13:55

Yes it’s a monthly thing.

mimbleandlittlemy · 22/06/2020 21:45

Another Nexgard here. Occasionally walk in notoriously ticky area and it seems to do the trick.

AlsDiner · 23/06/2020 09:43

Thanks everyone. I'm tempted to switch her to Nexgard - I like the idea that it's out of her system in a month if she develops any adverse effects from it, versus Bravecto which is in her for 3 months. Plus it would be pretty handy having worms, fleas and ticks in a single tablet.

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