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The doghouse

Help me please it's urgent

45 replies

rescuedogz · 12/05/2020 14:27

I have recently acquired a dog who is massively overweight. He's lived in a downstairs toilet for 10 years and has never been on grass or for a walk I need help to get it off. He's hungry constantly. Do I just ignore him when he's crying and pestering for food? He's meant to be 17kg and he's 28kg.

I need to do this for him.

Please help

He has come to me on bakers, but our other dog eats raw so I've been trying to move him over to that which he loves. But it's not filling him up, he refuses veggies.

OP posts:
ErrolTheDragon · 12/05/2020 15:53

Photos take time to upload to the various servers, I can see the pics on the app so they will appear elsewhere eventually.Smile

Jeleste · 12/05/2020 15:54

When we got our dog she was 11kg. She is now at a normal weight of 5.5kg! Half of her weight!
We gave her dry food for weight loss for her diet recommended by a vet. It made her feel more full with fewer calories.
We split her recommended daily intake in 3 portions: breakfast, dinner and the last portion she got throughout the day for exercising outside.
Ignore all the begging for more! Its tough, but necessary.

rescuedogz · 12/05/2020 15:59

Just trying again with the photos :)

Help me please it's urgent
Help me please it's urgent
OP posts:
Windyatthebeach · 12/05/2020 16:01

Ah well worth the wait op..
Or should that be weight??
What a chunk!!

yearinyearout · 12/05/2020 16:03

I know you said he refuses veggies but have you tried grating them in with his usual food?

Herpesfreesince03 · 12/05/2020 16:03

The longer they eat, the more they feel full, even if they’ve not ate that much. I feed my dog raw and give him things that literally take all day to eat. Can you give him a raw weight bearing bone or something similar? Even if he can’t get through it, if he’s hungry then he’ll likely still try and gnaw on it rather than whine for other food

ChandlerIsTheBestFriend · 12/05/2020 16:30

Oh he is adorable!! I can see why he’s no longer a foster but a permanent resident. Beautiful boy. How could anyone keep him in a bathroom for 10 years? Angry

GeraltOfRivia · 12/05/2020 17:21

I don't have advice but he's gorgeous and I'm so happy he's found a caring home with you xx

Windyatthebeach · 12/05/2020 17:33

I hope his previous owner was prosecuted op.
Nothing can him justify living in a bathroom.

LochJessMonster · 12/05/2020 18:02

Have you tried grating raw carrot and mixing it, half with raw and half with kibble.

I agree that a 2hour walk straight off was probably a bit much.

QuestionableMouse · 12/05/2020 21:31

Don't do long walks, you'll just exhaust him and he'll be in agony. Start with a couple short walks and gradually add on.

There are various weight control kibbles. I'd do 75% them and 25% raw... They're not brilliant long term but have bulking ingredients to fill up his stomach.

A spoon of tinned pumpkin each meal if you can get it will fill him up too.

ButDoUAvocado · 13/05/2020 09:13

Ha ha @SingingSands

Sometimes they even have Waitrose Greek yoghurt and fruit when they’ve been really good Grin

NannyPear · 13/05/2020 10:39

I would personally put him on a weight control kibble for now - Royal canin satiety is designed to make them feel fuller and is great for weight loss. It's easier to be extremely specific with quantities with kibble and I would weigh out his daily ration every day and divide it into three or four meals initially. Definitely significantly reduce the lengths of his walks for now too. If he's used go barely any exercise then even a couple of slow 20 minute walks will be a lot for him.

DartmoorChef · 13/05/2020 10:47

He is gorgeous but as others have said, build up the walks gradually if hes not used to it.

Floralnomad · 13/05/2020 14:17

He’s gorgeous and I think Howard ( howie) suits him . Short walks and regular small meals would be my way of doing it , and if you want to do raw then crack on with that if he will eat it.

Windyatthebeach · 13/05/2020 15:16

Howard for naughty moments!!

AdoraBell · 13/05/2020 15:31

He is gorgeous 😍 as others have suggested keep the excessive short for now and build up gradually.

ChandlerIsTheBestFriend · 13/05/2020 15:57

I also think he’s a Howard! It suits him.

InkogKneeToe · 13/05/2020 16:09

He took 2 hours to walk 5k this morning.
You really need to speak to your vets for advise and to put a progressive weight loss plan in place. A veterinary nurse is ideal to help with this. This is totally inappropriate exercise for a dog with his history and the weight loss needs to be gradual and controlled with a structured diet plan, otherwise you're risking additional health issues.

This isn't something that you can make up as you go along, you need proper veterinary advice

OliviaBenson · 13/05/2020 16:36

What a beautiful boy! It breaks my heart he was kept inside for 10yrs. No advice but good luck op, he's lucky to have you.

I'd say with walks, short and 2 or 3 a day to start. Games in the garden also good to build up his confidence and trust in you.

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