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Why am I the only one holding used poo bags?

35 replies

millerjane · 08/02/2020 13:14

I mostly walk my boy in a rural, wooded area that is popular with dog walkers. People are pretty good with picking up their dog's poops. There are definitely not enough bins to dispose the bags so I'm often left carrying the mess for over an hour. But I literally never see anyone else doing the same.

Do they store the used bags in their pockets? Are they chucking them into the bushes etc?

What is the secret?

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Scrunchcake · 10/02/2020 23:51

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PeachesPlumsPears · 09/02/2020 01:15

I have 2 dogs and one of them will go 2 or 3 times. I hand carry them - there are 2 public bins placed 1/3 and 2/3 of our walk. One of my dogs is very smart - he turns left and walks to the bin only when I'm carrying a poo bag. Smile

Nojeansplease · 08/02/2020 23:45

I thought this today!!
We have a puppy and he’s my first dog (where I am responsible for the poos)
I thought I was making some weird rookie error!
I’d definitely seen other people ahead of us on the trail pick poos up
And I couldn’t see bags in the floor

Where is the secret poo hidey place?!

BarkandCheese · 08/02/2020 19:22

I do occasionally, but my dog very rarely poos outside her own garden, maybe once every two or three weeks she surprises me with an on walk poo.

TriangleBingoBongo · 08/02/2020 19:14

Mine go in a coat pocket or bum bag in the summer (most street cred a long time ago...)

TARSCOUT · 08/02/2020 19:12

One dog goes as soon as I open the door in the morning. The other goes just before we get in the car to come home (next to poo bin).

Worried2020 · 08/02/2020 19:10

The bastards leave them hanging on trees like shitty Christmas decorations. Honestly they are the worst people, worse than murderers and rapists in my book. Horrible people.

Stellaris22 · 08/02/2020 19:08

Putting dog poo bags in wheelie bins that aren't yours is something I hate, I see people doing it all the time. We live in an urban area and people just walk into front yards and put them in wheelie bins.

GiantKitten · 08/02/2020 18:16

And TKMaxx do these. I use them for the cat poo I fish out of litter trays. They’re a good size (the bags, not the cat poo Grin)

Why am I the only one holding used poo bags?
GiantKitten · 08/02/2020 18:13

These bags are only 1p each - I’m guessing ASDA isn’t the only place that sells them (possibly not big enough for large poos though?)

Not countryside here, but we get dog poo bags dropped in our wheelie bins if we don’t fetch them straight back in after emptying (& sometimes in the recycling/garden waste bins, FFS. Great fun fishing those out 🤢)

Some people shouldn’t be allowed to have dogs Hmm

Why am I the only one holding used poo bags?
OhLook · 08/02/2020 18:08

Mine normally goes early on in the walk. I would rather walk 10/15 mins back to a bin rather than carry it for an hour too.

Bleh at the thought of putting it in your coat pocket! I can always smell it through the bag, no way would I touch it on my clothes!

GrumpyMiddleAgedWoman · 08/02/2020 18:05

In the woods I bury it under loose soil and leaves. Anywhere it might be trodden on, on pastures used for sheep and pasture with cattle, I pick it up.

zelbazinnamon · 08/02/2020 16:50

I also don’t pick up if it’s well off the path in woodlands... stick and flick.

VioletCharlotte · 08/02/2020 16:12

Walking in the woods - I don't pick up poo if it's in the woods and well away from the path. The bags end up in landfill. Otherwise I always pick up, my dog normally goes twice in quick succession at the start of the walk so I can bin it before we start the proper walk.

adaline · 08/02/2020 16:06

Ours poos within the first few minutes so I can make sure I'm near a bin!

TheMemoryLingers · 08/02/2020 15:16

I carry them but DH puts them in his pocket. Small dog so small poos.

suggestionsplease1 · 08/02/2020 15:11

I'll be honest, if I am walking my dog in a heavily forested area and he's off somewhere unlikely to be trodden on by someone else I walk over to the poo and use my welly boots to pull up the soil, leaves, sticks around it and just cover it over ans stamp it down. Alternatively I sometimes use a stick to flick it somewhere into undergrowth or bushes. I believe the Forestry Commission support this approach as well.

It seems crazy to me in these circumstances to pick up a poo in a plastic bag to go to landfill to sit until it degrades 20 years later (yes well done all of you buying the 10/20p a pop biodegradable poo bags)

Of course I would never do this on regular park walks, but in the middle of nowhere? meh.

gaffamate · 08/02/2020 14:57

I walk with a pram so the used ones are chucked in the base of the pram so I'm not dangling bags of poo in front of DS face as I walk - he's getting handsy so it wouldn't end well Confused

Witcher · 08/02/2020 14:57

I have no choice to carry mine...when there is no bins... no putting it inside a dicky bag on my belt or in my pocket..... large dogs.. very large poo!!! 🤦🏼‍♀️ not many people pick up their dogs poo in my town and half of those that do throw it in a bush or leave it on the floor..... would be something at least if the bags where biodegradable but they arent!!

simonisnotme · 08/02/2020 14:53

where we walk they are usually dangling from a branch or chucked on the grass so that the dog shit fairy can dispose of them, lazy arseholes

FrogsFrogs · 08/02/2020 14:53

They hang them in trees and bushes.

To make the walk more festive, I assume.

CMOTDibbler · 08/02/2020 14:50

I use a Dicky bag which is clipped to my bag


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TeacupRex · 08/02/2020 14:49

The secret (well, at least for me) is the Dicky bag! I attach it to my belt and the used poo bags go in there until I find a bin. It's so good at blocking out the smell that I've often forgotten to deposit the poo in the bin and end up taking it home Blush

Why am I the only one holding used poo bags?
mrsjoyfulprizeforraffiawork · 08/02/2020 14:49

The reason why you don't see them carrying poo bags is because (mostly in my area) they have not picked up or else they have left the bag at scene or chucked it in a bush. We walk twice daily in a forest and there are no bins in the forest but one at every forest car park and plenty the neighbouring town that most dog walkers have started from (on foot) - they just can't be bothered to carry them any distance. It drives me completely nuts, especially as the wildlife, when really hungry, will try to get into them (and doubtless make themselves ill and ingest bits of plastic). I have reluctantly started picking up other people's poo bags now as I can't bear it - the other day I came home with 13 (all picked up from a pile at the foot of a tree) - none was my own dog's poo bag (we'd put that in a bin before I got to that spot).

Niknakpaddywhack · 08/02/2020 13:53

We use a Bogg Bag when we’re walking somewhere with few bins- we use it lots. It holds a few bags of poop & washes well.

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